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CBA Mismatch/Disable CBA version check

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I've been running an Arma 2 OA server for a while now and got everything set up and working. However there's one annoying little problem I can neither get rid off myself, nor find any information about on the internet.

The culprit is CBA. I use Play withSIX and download all my mods from there, so I know that I have the latest versions. I uploaded the same exact ones I am using to the server, yet every time a player joins the game, the server

prints out 3 CBA related error messages.

cba_versioning - cba - Version Mismatch! (Machine: SpetsnazTeamLead (Scotch) version:, serverVersion:, Level: 4)
cba_versioning - cba_a2 - Version Mismatch! (Machine: SpetsnazTeamLead (Scotch) version: 0.0.0, serverVersion:, Level: 4)
cba_versioning - cba_oa - Version Mismatch! (Machine: SpetsnazTeamLead (Scotch) version: 0.0.0, serverVersion:, Level: 4)

This happens for every player that joins, without exception. I don't understand how the server can claim I'm on version 0.0.0 when its using the same one as me.

I already tried deleting and reuploading it, added all the necessary keys, looked for ways to maybe change CBA settings, downloaded CBA from other sources, but no luck so far. It just keeps happening.

As I said, everything works just fine and no one is having any problems. By now I don't even really care about the reasons for the errors anymore, I just want to stop CBA for spamming them every time someone joins.

Can anyone help me with this? Thanks in advance.


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You need to execute this in the mission (init.sqf) or by some server side addon.

CBA_display_ingame_warnings = false;
publicVariable "CBA_display_ingame_warnings";

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How would I do that? Can I just create an .sqf file, include the code, place it on the server and have it executed? It sounds like a wonky solution, but I don't have any server side addons.

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Use forum search how to do it/for an sample addon.

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