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Purpose of Helipad (invisible) ?

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All is in the title : what is the utility of the Helipad (invisible) ?

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Make AI land on that point instead trying to do dumb things.

A land command + that should be in the game from the start.

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To add:

Makes a Heli land wherever you want, without the H being seen. Just using the land command over a spot you want the heli to land doesnt guarantee the heli will land there. Using the H invisible pretty much forces it to land wherever you want.

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Don't get me started about the pesky choppers!

They are terrible right now. Should be fixed by full release. My fix: Set up the entire Map with Invisible Helipads all over. Find good open and flat areas where you can place them and then record the location, OR, you can place those Helipads on something easy to remember. I place them on all open beaches and road intersections cross entire Map. Works well a good chunk of the time.

When you need that EVAC, just find one of those locations to call the chopper to and wait for it to show up. Recommend you test them all (takes time though), but once you have the 'working' list of locations you'll be set for every game thereafter.

Remember you can Copy & Paste from any Map you use. To expedite the testing, try a blank empty Map for this, then when you have all your working Helipads on those locations, Copy the Pads then Paste into your Mission Map.

Copy = Ctrl+C

Paste= Ctrl+V

The Helipads are not for decoration. They're meant to be used. Sprinkle them around, set height to 1m and you're set.

Edited by Goblin
spelling & clarification

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Don't get me started about the pesky choppers!

They are terrible right now. Should be fixed by full release. My fix: Set up the entire Map with Invisible Helipads all over. Find good open and flat areas where you can and then record the location, OR, you can place those Helipads on something easy to remember. I place them on all open beaches and road intersections cross entire Map. Works well a good chunk of the time.

When you need that evac, just find one of those locations to call it to and wait for it to show up. Recommend you test them all (takes time though), but once you have the 'working' list of locations you'll be set for every game thereafter.

Remember you can Copy & Paste from any Map you use. To expedite the testing, try a blank empty Map for this, then when you have all your working Helipads on those locations, Copy the Pads then Paste into your Mission Map.

Copy = Cntl+C

Paste= Cntl+V

I think we have some far greater Problems! though you are right. I highly doubt that helipads everywhere would provide a real fix but your point is valid.

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When you need that EVAC, just find one of those locations to call the chopper to and wait for it to show up. Recommend you test them all (takes time though), but once you have the 'working' list of locations you'll be set for every game thereafter.
You would be better off just spawning a helipad where you need it. Even better would be to create yourself a little function using selectBestPlaces and isFlatEmpty and spawning a helipad as near to you as meets these conditions.

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