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Brown river water in wrpedit

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Does anyone know how to change the default colour of water (blue) to a different colour (i.e. brown) for certain parts of the sea in WRPEdit. I am trying to make a river that is brown and murky and not too deep and I'm stuck on the water colour. smile.gif

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Don't think you can. The water is automaticly inserted by the game. I don't think you can change it.

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Well I think you can. The water is just a texture,so modify the texture and put it in game

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its not only 1 texture it are 3 or more textures to make the water move i think

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than surely it is still possible with some good texturing?

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Yes it is. And i think wrpedit comes with a depbo, or atleast u can browser through the pbo files, see if u can find the animation file.

Or you can hope BIS comes by and are willing to hint ya smile.gif

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you must find the texture files and add them to your island and in the island pbo file or something the animation has to be defined in the config

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I just changed my ingame water the other day, but unfortunately I don't think it's possible to have more than one type of water in game at the same time. Here's the deal with the textures, if you look in data.pbo, you have 7 textures labeled more.anim.1 through more.anim.7. There are also two textures labeled specular and another called speculardy or something like that. The first 7 textures are used to animate movement (they cycle through) and are pasted over the water on a large scale. The specular texture is used to show fine detail when you're up close and it is pasted in on a finer scale, meaning over a much smaller area for each texture. If you want to change the color of the water then you need to change the color of both of these textures sets since they overlay. I found that just changing the animation ones was not enough to see a real difference.

Here's a link to a pic to give you some idea of their relative scales:

water scale

Good luck.

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A bit offtopic, you can also make land textures that are even up to 4096x4096 wow.gif. I don't think that there's a way to do different waters, which is a bit shame actually sad.gif.

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