1para{god-father} 105 Posted July 2, 2013 I am trying to make a very large IED explosion but the biggest i could find was this and it does not even damahe a vehicle ? , it does make a mess of a player M_Mo_82mm_AT_LG Anyomne else have a LArge Explosion Class name i could try as Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10, M_RPG32_AA_F , M_Mo_120mm_AT_LG - all the same effect :( Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Antorugby 2 Posted July 2, 2013 I use this script that i've found in a youtube video: _area = ["area1","area2"]; //name of the marker _ammo = [ "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10", "Sh_120_HE", "HelicopterExploBig", "Bo_GBU12_LGB", "Bo_Mk82", "HelicopterExploBig", "Bo_Mk82", "Bo_Mk82", "Bo_GBU12_LGB_MI10", "Sh_120_HE", "HelicopterExploBig", "Bo_GBU12_LGB" ]; _count = 0; for "_i" from 0 to (count _ammo) do { for "_j" from 0 to 1 do { switch (_j) do { case 0: {if (random 1 == 1) then {_xVel = -1*_xVel }}; case 1: {if (random 1 == 1) then {_yVel = -1*_yVel }}; }; }; _chosen = (_ammo select _i); { _xVel = random 10; _yVel = random 10; _zVel = random 20; _xCoord = random 15; _yCoord = random 15; _zCoord = random 5; _bomb = _chosen createVehicle getMarkerPos _x; _bomb setPos [(getPos _bomb select 0)+_xCoord,(getPos _bomb select 1)+_yCoord, _zCoord*_i]; _bomb setVelocity [_xVel,_yVel,_zVel-50]; } forEach _area; sleep 1; }; //destroying target {_x setdamage 1; } foreach nearestObjects [getMarkerPos "area1", [],100]; And call it back with a trigger, you need too put markers in you map, in this script the markers are called "area1" and "area2" Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mantls 2 Posted July 3, 2013 ooooh, i see. Wow, this will be helpfull! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
WWThomahawkWW 3 Posted September 7, 2019 I think these explosions are the biggest in the Vanilla game... Personally, i would put a trigger with a radius of 20 per exemple, and put "SpecificUnitName setDammage 1" if there's not a lot of units, or select "Activation by Blufor" etc if there's a lot of units. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites