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Drag and drop wounded?

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I'm wondering if this feature will come back in Arma 3. The way the wound system works now pretty much makes the medic useless. It's good to have that treat self function and having the medic works for me but that's all. AI won't heal unless told to and if wounded again they just bleed out.

I miss having wounded soldiers on the battlefield that you can drag away and pick up and carry out and have the medic heal. That was a real fun part of the game. Being a medic trying to drag and heal people and throw smoke made it fun. Not that it's not fun now, but it's more "arcade" fun now in that department. Maybe we can get other types of injuries where treating yourself only buys you another minute or 2 so that the medic can fix you. It would be cool if there was a good system for moving badly wounded off the battlefield.

Also "hide body". A lot of missions are designed for stealth missions. I have one now that I am making but dead enemy laying on the tarmac just might tip off the enemy that I am around somewhere. Since I can't drag the body I would at least like to hide it.

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I'm pretty sure it will return when the damage system becomes more realistic. Right now you can't get shot down without dying AFAIK.

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