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Why are the scenarios so unrealistic?

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Well, although OP has a point, I'd like to remind a small fact to everyone concerned: in real life, you don't always get what you want or need.

Sometimes, you have time to prepare. But sometimes, you are pulled from one job to another not having time to change clothes (left alone gear). Hence - I personally write off such problems to some "cr*p factor" always present in real life :) Maybe the special forces in question are actually operating without external support (as it sometimes happens IRL). Maybe they have actually prepared for another - day CQB - mission and got this mission instead of extraction in the evening. A lot of maybes - but, well, in any fictional scenario there's a certain amount of excercising suspension of disbelief. For me personally, this scenario is within limits. Especially considering it's a game afterall :)

Besides, it's a challenge of a kind. Accept it or ditch it if you don't want to bother :)

After all, Special Forces are called Special for a reason - it's about doing what you can with what you have.


Edited by DarkWanderer

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Well, although OP has a point, I'd like to remind a small fact to everyone concerned: in real life, you don't always get what you want or need.

Sometimes, you have time to prepare. Sometimes, you are pulled from one job to another not having time to change clothes (left alone gear). Hence - I personally write off such problems to some "cr*p factor" always present in real life :) Maybe the special forces in question are actually operating without external support (as it sometimes happens IRL)

Besides, it's a challenge of a kind. Accept it or ditch it if you don't want to bother :)

After all, Special Forces are called Special for a reason - it's about doing what you can with what you have.


Understandable. Though I think the problem is that they "half-assed" the story. The mission would make a lot of sense if they changed a few key words around.

Green army aka resistance? instead of nato ( to increase believability of lack of certain things although really they are equal really)

Operation went bad x is waiting here. Sorry but you gotta do this alone we dont have enough manpower. Provide distraction so we can sneak in and get him out. Then get the hell out of there. BAM Makes a bit more sense already.

Furthermore not a single soldier with NVG's? What happened to that chopper that flew overhead or was that just for cool factor? Meh :P All in all I "enjoyed" once I threw making sense out of the window. Sorta like how I enjoy other less realistic shooters.

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Well, possibly so. The problem here is that if the scenarios are all totally realitic and believable, they instantly start to get boring :P And if there is some WTF factor, some folks would not believe it happened even for real-life events - think Moon landing and all the moon hoax conspiracists :D

I agree that more explanation wouldn't hurt, but, IMHO, there's no facts that are outstandingly wrong and unrealistic. It's not like you have to kill 200+ people alone - I actually completed the mission with bodycount as low as 7.

I guess, it's a matter of taste here. There's an inherent compromise in game design to maintain it both realistic and interesting. But if I were you, I'd better not ask a game to be completely realistic - because this would also mean having 8 hours daily foot patrols (why, the military does it in real life) and military's beloved hurry-up-and-wait-24-hours routine :P Personally, I just take the good (no routine+tactically interesting scenarios) with the bad (possible subtle scenario incoherences).

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Holy wall of text batman...

The Bottom Line Up Front: many of the scenarios in the Beta do not represent realistic military scenarios - ether conventional or unconventional.

Protip: they're not MEANT to be...

The showcase missions in the Alpha/Beta are just that: they are meant to show off the relevant bit of tech, be that the scuba gear, the new lighting at night, the new physics for wheeled vehicles, etc etc.

They are designed to quickly and easily show off whatever tech it is they're showing off. Especially for ease of use at places like E3, or even demoing to your friends.

Would you really want to sit the the back of a helicopter for 10 mins before you get to your combat area in order to show off the new weapon handling? No.

Would you really want to sit in a boat for 10 mins before you get to your insertion point in order to show off scuba? No.

Funny to see the usual crowd giving it the "its a showcase/its an alpha isn't an excuse" bullshit.

You don't like it? You do better.

Edited by DM

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Wtf is wrong with people...

They are SHOWCASES and that's a good excuse.

They're meant to be 5-10 minute displays of the engine and content and the devs probably threw them together in a couple of days each and didn't have time to write a big realistic scenario for each and just went with something that played well.

Most Alpha demos, Beta demos or just about any demonstration build I have ever seen has not been perfectly representative of final gameplay not to mention a lot of final demos even don't contain levels directly out of the actual game even.

You show up in your Boss’ office with something that is f**king impressive already and not some 2/3 complete bullshit with the excuse you wanted to create a really realistic demo that most people won’t spend over 10 minutes with.

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Because they are indeed showcases, supposed to be tight and fast, focused on single aspects of the game.

As some of the above responses suggest, the Showcases are designed to provide a quick chunk of something to demonstrate or test. They've been a useful tool at Expos for sharing new or unique parts of the game with media and players alike. Their format has provided a useful platform for developing, integrating and testing new features, while enabling us to create publishable playable content in the Alpha, Beta and onwards.

As to the design of the showcases themselves, I responded in a little more at length here. Suffice to say, there are two general points I would take away.

First, we've made some mistakes and we've tried to learn from those and integrate lessons learned into our ongoing/future work, conducting postmortems of the content that translate into actions. The Beta Showcases were an improvement over the Alpha ones, and I hope to see that trend continue. :)

Second, players have a very subjective set of preferences when it comes to the types of missions they play. Within the constraints of the Showcase format, the heavily constricted content of the Alpha and Beta, and the fast-changing state of the engine itself, the Showcases themselves offer a fair range of gameplay opportunities for a range of player abilities.

Heavily scripted CoD-like missions. Only a step away from "0:05 get back into the war"

I'd argue that hysterical 'facts' and inaccurate ad hominem attacks not only serve little purpose in regards to answering a fair question, but actively work against any legitimate points you might make.

There's a "commander" showcase but it doesn't even allow you to command properly.

The Commanding Showcase was designed to introduce the concept of commanding, so it supports new players by offering information about what to do. However, it allows veteran players to complete the objective however they want. We must think about designing for a range of players - not just our loudest detractors - while keeping in touch with the strengths of our engine and the unique challenge of our game.

Chopper showcase was the only OK one (due to non-linearity) but I can't say "best" because even this showcase is hurt by "AKSHUN!!"

Showcase Supports can be achieved however a player likes, so too can Night. Frankly, I doubt you would say 'best' about anything at this stage? :)

ArmA3 has the same mission designers

Not a single Showcase (nor any A3 SP content) has been made by Karel, the only mission designer that worked on PMC. I'm happy to respond to legitimate points, but getting personal/inaccurate/hysterical will only ever devalue your views and standing on this forum.



Edited by RoyaltyinExile

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Metalcraze you keep digging that hole of yours and soon you might find yourself on the ignore list of every developer.

Just take a chill pill. :cool:

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