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Map of the Green Sea Region (CZ75-Version)

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The Green Sea Region

by [CZ75]-LuzifR



The Green Sea Region

Short description

This is a rework of the map of the Green Sea Region. You can use this in your missions or videos if you want. This map is fictional!









More than 50 maps are included

Forums Topic

BI forums

Change log


- Vietnam added

- Coast changed


- Windrose added

Credits & Thanks

Map of the Green Sea Region by BIS

Map of Qom Province by Tupolov


Please tell me if you miss a map. Then I can add it.

Please tell me about mistakes. For example a illogical location of a city or region.


Edited by survivorluz

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Hey excellent work there! I like how all of the community areas are also now located and included there. A shame my project is more Scandinavian and wouldn't fit in, lol. Going to be a pain in the hell trying to get a location since everything seems to be in the Green Sea area, haha. Anyways, excellent job. I can't imagine how much of a headache it was trying to figure out where everything would be located. I bet it took a long time. Still, it definitely paid off. Will save and print out a copy to keep at my desk for sure! :) Thanks for putting this out!

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Version update


- Vietnam added

- Coast changed

Edited by survivorluz

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Reshmaan Province is marketed as being somewhere near Takistan, and considering the distances involved, I placed it East, towards Chenarus, between the Salak Darya and Svetlaya rivers.

Additionally Aliabad is marketed as similar, but a coastal. You might be able to squeeze in just East of the Yergan Darya river?

Between Qom Provience and the Takistan border, the PMC 51km Desert desert terrain fits nicely, and keeps in tune with the deserted theme for the area running to Qom. It would be an easy flip to place Reshmaan East and PMC West, and the distances will more closely match the map.

Edited by mannequin

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This is a great project mate! I admire this map so much that I plan to create a campaign series based on this. Hope it is kept updated with the new maps around!

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