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I was wondering if there is a script where only crewmen can drive and gun some vehicles but not all. Some script where i can add class names.

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I'm interested in this too. I tried modifying the pilotCheck script, but it applies to all vehicles, not just the LAVs. For now I just have my LAV assets secured in a bunker with the Crewmen spawning there and a setVelocity trigger at the entrance which bounces out people who try to enter.

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Wrote a script for you. A proper solution would be to use lockDriver and lockTurret but its bit more complicated.

In init.sqf:

//Script by Sa-Matra
true spawn {
//List of pilot classes, crewman classes, affected aircraft classes and affected vehicle classes
_pilots = ["B_Helipilot_F"];
_crewmen = ["B_crew_F"];
_aircraft = ["O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"];
_armor = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"];

//Wait until player is fully loaded
waitUntil {player == player};

//Check if player is pilot or crewman, you can add more classes into arrays
_iampilot = ({typeOf player == _x} count _pilots) > 0;
_iamcrewman = ({typeOf player == _x} count _crewmen) > 0;

//Never ending cycle
while{true} do {
	//Wait until player's vehicle changed
	_oldvehicle = vehicle player;
	waitUntil {vehicle player != _oldvehicle};

	//If player is inside vehicle and not on foot
	if(vehicle player != player) then {
		_veh = vehicle player;

		//Check if vehicle is aircraft and player is not pilot
		if(({typeOf _veh == _x} count _aircraft) > 0 && !_iampilot) then {
			//Forbidden seats: copilot, gunner, pilot
			_forbidden = [_veh turretUnit [0]] + [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];
			if(player in _forbidden) then {
				systemChat "You are not pilot and not allowed to pilot or gun this helicopter";
				player action ["eject", _veh];

		//Check if vehicle is armor and player is not crewman
		if(({typeOf _veh == _x} count _armor) > 0 && !_iamcrewman) then {
			//Forbidden seats: gunner, driver
			_forbidden = [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];
			if(player in _forbidden) then {
				systemChat "You are not crewman and not allowed to drive or gun this vehicle";
				player action ["eject", _veh];

(with proper tabs: http://pastie.org/pastes/8080976/text )

Change _pilots, _crewmen, _aircraft and _armor to your needs

Edited by SaMatra

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I'm guessing i would have to put the class names for the vehicle that i wanted only crewmen to be able to driver here?

_armor = [];

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Yes, for example

_armor = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F", "B_MRAP_01_gmg_F"];

also only crewman will be able to be gunners too. If you want to change that, change

               //Forbidden seats: gunner, driver 
               _forbidden = [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];


               //Forbidden seats: driver 
               _forbidden = [driver _veh];

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Thanks SaMatra I'm currently using an .fsm written by Cuel that does this but has an issue... notably the pilot check function does not take the copilot into account.. ie: you can enter the vehicle as a non-pilot in the co-pilot seat and then 'take control' of the heli. It would appear your script takes this into account?

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Thanks SaMatra I'm currently using an .fsm written by Cuel that does this but has an issue... notably the pilot check function does not take the copilot into account.. ie: you can enter the vehicle as a non-pilot in the co-pilot seat and then 'take control' of the heli. It would appear your script takes this into account?

It does

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Doesn't seem to be working on the Bluefor AMV-7? I have a Rifleman test unit I'm using that can enter it. The choppers work perfect though.

_pilots = ["B_Helipilot_F"];

_crewmen = ["B_crew_F"];

_aircraft = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","I_Heli_Transport_02_F"];

_armor = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_Cannon_F"];

---------- Post added at 14:28 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

Ok after some further testing - The second block of code for the armored vehicles isn't working.

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It does

Thanks I'll give it a try

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Doesn't seem to be working on the Bluefor AMV-7? I have a Rifleman test unit I'm using that can enter it. The choppers work perfect though.

_pilots = ["B_Helipilot_F"];

_crewmen = ["B_crew_F"];

_aircraft = ["B_Heli_Transport_01_F","B_Heli_Attack_01_F","I_Heli_Transport_02_F"];

_armor = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_Cannon_F"];

---------- Post added at 14:28 ---------- Previous post was at 14:08 ----------

Ok after some further testing - The second block of code for the armored vehicles isn't working.

There was a typo, _crewman and _crewmen, fixed now.

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Thanks much!

Also, the class name appears to be case sensitive (plugged in the AMV-7 into the aircraft list earlier to try it out).

B_APC_Wheeled_01_Cannon_F needs to be B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F

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I wouldn't think they were, it just didn't work with the caps the first time around.

Anyway, got it working 100%, thanks very much!

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I tired it but it didnt seem to work

/List of pilot classes, crewman classes, affected aircraft classes and affected vehicle classes 
   _pilots = ["B_Helipilot_F"]; 
   _crewmen = ["B_crew_F"]; 
   _aircraft = ["O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F","B_heli_transport_01_F"]; 
   _armor = ["B_APC_wheeled_01_cannon_f"]; 

---------- Post added at 00:33 ---------- Previous post was at 00:26 ----------

Thanks much!

Also, the class name appears to be case sensitive (plugged in the AMV-7 into the aircraft list earlier to try it out).

B_APC_Wheeled_01_Cannon_F needs to be B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F

I think you are right about case sensitive

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You right about case sensitive, it is an issue with "in" command. For example

"test" in ["TEST"]

returns false, while

"test" == "TEST"

returns true.

Fixed script:

//Script by Sa-Matra
true spawn {
//List of pilot classes, crewman classes, affected aircraft classes and affected vehicle classes
_pilots = ["B_Helipilot_F"];
_crewmen = ["B_crew_F"];
_aircraft = ["O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F"];
_armor = ["B_APC_Wheeled_01_cannon_F"];

//Wait until player is fully loaded
waitUntil {player == player};

//Check if player is pilot or crewman, you can add more classes into arrays
_iampilot = ({typeOf player == _x} count _pilots) > 0;
_iamcrewman = ({typeOf player == _x} count _crewmen) > 0;

//Never ending cycle
while{true} do {
	//Wait until player's vehicle changed
	_oldvehicle = vehicle player;
	waitUntil {vehicle player != _oldvehicle};

	//If player is inside vehicle and not on foot
	if(vehicle player != player) then {
		_veh = vehicle player;

		//Check if vehicle is aircraft and player is not pilot
		if(({typeOf _veh == _x} count _aircraft) > 0 && !_iampilot) then {
			//Forbidden seats: copilot, gunner, pilot
			_forbidden = [_veh turretUnit [0]] + [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];
			if(player in _forbidden) then {
				systemChat "You are not pilot and not allowed to pilot or gun this helicopter";
				player action ["eject", _veh];

		//Check if vehicle is armor and player is not crewman
		if(({typeOf _veh == _x} count _armor) > 0 && !_iamcrewman) then {
			//Forbidden seats: gunner, driver
			_forbidden = [gunner _veh] + [driver _veh];
			if(player in _forbidden) then {
				systemChat "You are not crewman and not allowed to drive or gun this vehicle";
				player action ["eject", _veh];

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