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Beta:Why is there still nothing that makes my camo usefull? Not even better Textures?

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Seriously: Do the developers even care about the visibility at greater distances? Is it really 2013? Who thought sinking units would be a solution, especially cause it only effects prone infantry?

Its an elemental failure thats seems to be forever in this series, that isnt adressed, instead much details around 200m and fancy effects above all. Why calling it a sim, if it cant even simulate a decent environment, even if its really really pretty.

This is what you think is how you and your enviroment looks like:


This how you and your environment look like from a few hundred meters:


I dont get how so few seem to be took off, cause of it.

There are is this so called solution for sinking. At a few points i recognized enemys are completly sunken in the ground. Great! Worse: It only effects while proning. So I have to crawl above the whole map do benefit from it. I feel literally forced to crawl, which isnt fun.

I would expected from the beta (devbuild), that they make textures like Bensons or better try a kind like NordKindchens approach. At least!

Still with bensons textures (sharp 1), as long as the sun is shining (turning every kind of AA and the shadows off helps very much to spot enemys) you always stick out on a blant and totally flat big polygon. Textures are totally clear. Everything above sticks out cause it isnt totally clear and not part of the flatness behind or beneath. Movements are much easyer to spot cause of this. Cause of this I would expect, at least again, that the silouettes of everything or at least soldiers and vehicles would be slighty blured so you dont stick out, but are still visible. And bumpmaps or anything that makes the polygons not sooo flat.

Besides that, I cant get immersed, if everything just stop to exist above a few hundred meters, like in the pictures. I see all the (partly high!) grass around you, but it isnt there. I sticks in my mind the whole time, as i stick out from distance for the enemys.

It would be more ok, if there would be any grass at all. Besides if your are prone on flat places and aiming straight for a target, you can see shit. But he can see you.

I feel constantly cheated, if im shot from 500-2000m and spot enemys at that distance. Kinda hard in this game, cause you get killed fast and cant instantly spawn in the nearby environment.

Overall the stealth aspect is gone and that there are ghillie-suits is ridicilous. You get all that detailed stuff on you, but around you is nothing. They do the opposite of what they are suppposed to do.

Grass and other objects highly distract from units, espeally if there is wind.

Everything else is so great about the game and its really really(!!!) fun to have engagements within a few hundred meters. If the sunshine is gone its kinda ok too.

I dont why there isnt any good approach on the horizon, to fix it. In the year 2013 there should be solution for this.

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you are completely right, but there are already plenty of threads complaining and/or discussing about the issue.

only thing to do is vote for the iusse in the feedback tracker (see my signature) and hope for the best!

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i totally agree, ideas have been thrown at BI's feet whether they use them its up to them

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Yeah, I'm hoping they'll do something in this field.

On a random note, the Green team camouflage works fantastically around bushes and trees. It's almost uncanny.

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Yeah, I'm hoping they'll do something in this field.

On a random note, the Green team camouflage works fantastically around bushes and trees. It's almost uncanny.

i wish they re did the opfor units :( so horrible to look at like a flying bug ha ha

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you are completely right, but there are already plenty of threads complaining and/or discussing about the issue.

only thing to do is vote for the iusse in the feedback tracker (see my signature) and hope for the best!

The issue brought is a valid one, however starting a new thread about it not necessary.

Please vote and comment on it by accessing this link provided by the gentleman above me.

Thread shot in the head by an AK-47 wielding AI 800 m away.

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