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Object resizing

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I noticed that sometimes, when a resized object comes into view i have a slight loss of FPS.

Does anyone know if resized object can cause any problems to the engine? I read that if an object is resized by 200% or more that may cause problems with the hitbox, is this true with every object or just particularly big ones?

By now i have resized just a few industrial sheds and a bar gate but had no problems so far.

Is there anything i need to be aware of?

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All my aircraft hangers (maybe about 20-30) on "Sands" terrain where at least 150% bigger. I never noticed any performance hit at all.

Opposite really, but that could be more to do with the overall design of the terrain.

I did make sure to not oversize them too big so the GEO and FIRE lods broke (by testing repeatedly ingame).

And yes, oversizing too far will break stuff.

Anyhow, not concrete evidence on performance sorry.

You can of course do a temporary test, lay out 50 oversize in an area, test ingame, 50 normal then test again. Delete afterwards.

Edited by [APS]Gnat

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Maybe it's just my crappy pc that has issues but i just wanted to check to be sure.

By the way this just happened while driving through the streets of a town i'm building.


I'm using some of mondkalb buildings but i have the impression it's the tall building from arma 2 that's causing this problem. Anybody experienced issues like this before? It's the first time i've seen this and it looks like it happens ONLY in that particular spot.

edit: after rebooting pc and game everything turned back to normal... :confused:

Edited by Chairborne

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Yeah i get that sometimes, but it does go and come as it pleases, never found out what cuases it, but restarting the game fixes it for me!

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