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[SP] Into the storm

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Into The Storm



Bluefor has been planning a large scale assault over the island of Stratis for a long time. In the past 4 months we have been preparing; speaking with locals, sending sabotage teams and undercover agents. The date for this assault is June 6. However high command has overlooked a small camp in the north of Stratis. The camp is carrying a mobile air radar on an armored vehicle. Command has chosen to send your squad, on the eve of the assault, to destroy the vehicle. Weather conditions are not in your favor either, as one of the largest storms ever to hit Stratis is slowly brewing up.


This mission plays out a lot like former bis missions. It includes many things that bis devs use when creating their mission. It is very fun and interesting as it includes dialog between squad mates, command and even civilians. It was a complete blast to make. I hope you enjoy.


Complete objective system: Mission is very bis like and resembles the showcase system. Mid mission tasks and optional objectives are all included.

Variety in combat: Fight over long distances and short ones as visibility is reduced during the peak of the storm.

Various Civilians: Speaking with local survivors in various locations may give you indispensable intel that was not given by the HQ.

Multiple endings:Supports different endings depending on what objectives were completed.

45 minutes plus of game play: Depending on your style of play the mission could stretch well over an hour.


Place it in \Arma 3\Missions, no need to extract.


The only issue in this mission is that bis removed rain :(, so it takes away from the atmosphere but I promise to add as soon as the bis puts in back into the editor.

Final Notes

This is my first ever mission created with arma 2 or 3 that I have decided to post for public download. I'm looking to make my mission better and I would love to hear feedback from people who played my mission. If there is anything you liked/hated or anything that you feel should be included I would love to hear it. If there are issues or bugs that you found post them in the thread. Thank you and I hope you enjoy.

Download v0.11


Will be adding a armaholic as soon as I can

Change log


Briefing now appears as intended.

New image and fixed image size (thanks to hkflash).

Removed glitched marker.

Next version 1.0 will have a complete rewrite in code. Will be using fsm and the new arma 3 conversation system. The mission works perfectly as is but the new methods will show great improvements.

Also special thanks to HKflash, for testing mission and providing the good image as well as excellent advice for new methods of scripting

Edited by xX_Fr0st-W0lf_Xx

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Still didn't finish but I thought you should know that the briefing is not starting.

The image you are using for the overview seems to have been taken from 1st person and is also not the right seize. This is not the best way to take screenshots. My recommendation is to use the camera script: when editing the mission press Esc, then click the camera option located at the console bottom. I can get you a good image if you so wish, just tell me via Private Message what do you want it be about.

I should also add that this mission concept would be better applied as a night mission.



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Going to start testing at night and currently looking into the briefing not appearing at mission start. Everything is viewable in the map screen but I will get it working so it pops in before you start the mission. Thanks for the feedback.

Edit: all is fixed

Edited by xX_Fr0st-W0lf_Xx

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I was really enjoying this mission, but since switching to the beta I get an error & it won't load.

I get error about mission being dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. (A3_Boat_F_Assault_Boat, A3_Soft_F_OffRoad,A3_Soft_F_Ifrit).

Is this mission compatible with the beta?

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I was really enjoying this mission, but since switching to the beta I get an error & it won't load.

I get error about mission being dependent on downloadable content that has been deleted. (A3_Boat_F_Assault_Boat, A3_Soft_F_OffRoad,A3_Soft_F_Ifrit).

Is this mission compatible with the beta?

This mission is incompatible with the Beta.

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I got the error too, but I see, I look forward to a Beta version if there is one!

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Mind fixing the errors for beta? I'd love to play this mission. :(

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