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planes and laserdesignators

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hi there

clearly adding a LD to any helicopter turret - it works a treat:

UH60 side gunner


Ah64 nose gunner


we've been working really hard to get a laser designator moving in a gunner seat of a 2-seater plane.

This is for simulated TV guidance and early laser designation model for the unsung mod planes with 2 seats.

we can get a working MG to move in the gunner seat:

pic of MG firing from gunner seat:


and adding a LD to a su34 - it mysteriously has LD pointing forward:


now, in our plane, we can move a MG in the turret but the LD does not follow it...

the LD just points at the floor from the centre of the plane


ok i tested it with an AI pilot and managed to lock the LD even though it seemed to not show up at the end of my cursor. i could lock my cursor to side, front and below plane - and i could bomb specific houses with this system - woohoo


I also got the shrike to lock the laser and strike target


and the bullpup


the key to this was controlling the memorypoint like this:

memoryPointGun = ""; // was memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

class Turrets


class MainTurret: NewTurret


weapons[] = {"uns_GBU8Launcher","Uns_Mk82bLauncher","A6unsFuelauncher","LaserDesignator_mounted"};

magazines[] = {"Uns_12Rnd_Mk82_snake","A6uns_2Rnd_Fuel","Uns_3Rnd_Mk82b","LaserBatteries"};

memoryPointGun = "machinegun";

BUT some of the guidance systems we're working on follow cursortarget, and this is still fixed forward of plane

ALSO now we can't use an mg in the gunner position...

any ideas what we need to do to the plane turret to make this work? we need the cursor /target aim point to be following the camera crosshair of the gunner

can it work?



Edited by eggbeast

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ok no takers yet, so here's the full turret config we're using

		memoryPointGun = "";
	class Turrets
		class MainTurret: NewTurret
			weapons[] = {"uns_MK82SnakeLauncher","Uns_Mk82bLauncher","A6unsFuelauncher","LaserDesignator_mounted"};
			magazines[] = {"Uns_12Rnd_Mk82_snake","A6uns_2Rnd_Fuel","Uns_3Rnd_Mk82b","LaserBatteries"};
			commanding = -1;
			minElev = -90;
			maxElev = 25;
			initElev = 0;
			minTurn = -120;
			maxTurn = 120;
			initTurn = 0;
			initFov = 0.95;
			memoryPointGun = "machinegun";
			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunnerview";
			typicalCargo[] = {"uns_pil2"};
			memoryPointsGetInGunner = "pos gunner";
			memoryPointsGetInGunnerDir = "pos gunner dir";
			castGunnerShadow = 1;
			viewGunnerShadow = 1;
			gunnerAction = "Su34_Gunner";
			gunnerInAction = "Su34_Gunner";
			gunnerForceOptics = 0;
			gunnerOutOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z.p3d";
//				gunnerOpticsColor[] = {0.227,0.769,0.24,1};
			gunnerOpticsModel = "\ca\air\optika_AH1Z";
			gunnerOpticsEffect[] = {"TankCommanderOptics1","BWTV"};
			gunnerForceOutOptics = 0;
			gunnerUsesPilotView = 0;
			hasGunner = "true";
			hideWeaponsGunner = "true";
			inGunnerMayFire = "true";
			lockWhenDriverOut = "false";
			maxHorizontalRotSpeed = 3;
			maxVerticalRotSpeed = 3;
			outGunnerMayFire = 1;
			proxyType = "CPGunner";
			proxyIndex = 1;
			gunnerOpticsShowCursor = 1;
			showgunneroptics = 1;
			soundServo[] = {"",0.0031622776,1};
			startEngine = "false";
			enableManualFire = 1;
			class ViewOptics
				initAngleX = 0;
				minAngleX = -120;
				maxAngleX = 120;
				initAngleY = 0;
				minAngleY = -90;
				maxAngleY = 25;
				initFov = 2;
				minFov = 0.1;
				maxFov = 2;
				visionMode[] = {"Normal","NVG"};
	weapons[] = {"CMFlareLauncher"};
	magazines[] = {"120Rnd_CMFlare_Chaff_Magazine"};

a) how do you add a second machinegun to the plane model (pilot fixed gun + turret moveable gun) - in terms of config memorypoints

b) how do you get the laserdot to follow the mg gun direction? I think this is because in heli turrets they have "gunbeg" and "gunend" memorypoints, BUT the plane gun only has machinegun origin in its config, rather than a start and end point.

I guess the question is this:

how can we put a moveable machinegun in the turret with a beginning and end point, so the laser and cursortarget will move where the gunner looks?

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Just sent you a PM - I'll take a look at it. I *should* have some time this weekend :)

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saw your post and good to chat earlier mate. i'll have a chat to Ap and see if the viewgunner solution works out, and some of the other pointers you offered!

at the present time the LD does work in the gunner seat but it does not animate, so you dont see the dot traveling about, yet you can lock a LD at the end of the gunner optic - i need to show you this in the test server as the planes have not been released yet.

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Don't know if you've found a solution to your issue eggbeast, but check out this thread regarding fixed wing turrets:

Fixed Wing - Multiple Turrets - Testing - Bug

Which is included in this Bug:

Bug #29050 Frozen AI gunners in fixed wing aircraft turrets

Your issue may not be AI related, but maybe the config set up of Gnat's plane can help...

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thanks man - it works well on our planes - due out in unsung 2.6

not sure this is same problem, but was interesting to look at that.

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