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I am traditionally a web developer so i'm completely new to arma and its scripting language SQF. But i love the modding potential of Arma and have already started my own project.

I am curious what other peoples general work flow for editing SQF files, and scripting custom missions. The editor is really nice but i'm primarily talking about scripting complete new game play mechanic mods such as Life mod, dayz, and wastelands.

I did see a sublime text 2 plugin which has been helpful and have gotten some good results, but i was curious what other people use, or if there is a better workflow :)

Edited by Malfate

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I use Notepad++ on one monitor, the wiki on the other.

Next to that a line of cocaine and a can of redbull.

That usually gets the job done most of the time but it is really your personal preference and how fast your learning skills are.

Here are some useful links if you are just starting out, should get you on the path of pushing content out.






Or instead of a wall of links just turn the Wiki into your 'bible' in a sense, at least that is what I have done. The best work flow you could possibly have is a manual on stand by (wiki), a creative mind and little to no distractions (Oh! Piece of candy!), in the learning stages you will find out that you will be doing more trial an error then anything just to feel out the system and how far you can push the boundaries, once you get used to working with the ArmA engine it will start to become natural even though the scripting is far from natural.

On a side note Welcome to the glorious empire of BIS!

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As the others have said a decent text editor with highlighting and intelli, I personally use UltraEdit, its not free but ive been using it for years for modding.

A list of reference pages to commands etc. see Tonic's list above.

A decent grep tool with unpacked game files for easy searching of configs and other assets. I use WinGrep again not a free option.

and maybe a compare utility for comparing files and folders to see whats changed between builds. (handy for those class name changes they forget to tell us about :D )

Edited by Larrow

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Next to that a line of cocaine and a can of redbull.

i prefer Amphetamine and a bottle of whiskey.

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