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SeaSparrow / memory points for missiles

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I am making a SeaRam missile launcher for ships... I am trying to find the memory points for the gun/turret... i dont know what specific memory points are needed for it... all the animations/modelling/texturing are done... just gotta put the memory points for the missiles and others in...

if anyone could help this would be very helpful

im basing my model off of the SeaSparrow in Arma 2... just the Maker of it hasnt been on for a long time... so im looking to the community if any help could be given...

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You can call the memory point whatever you like;

	memoryPointMissile[] = {"spicerakety", "ustihlavne1"};
	memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konecrakety", "konechlavne1"};

inside TURRETS is also

			memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunner1";
			memoryPointGun = "gunner1";

But missile launch positions are typically determined by proxy position.

Remember to define you proxy otherwise it appear from the center of the model.

class CfgNonAIVehicles
class ProxyWeapon;
class Proxygntrgm84x : ProxyWeapon
	model = "\gnt_weapons\weap\RGM84x"; 
	simulation ="maverickweapon";

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so for each hole (missile hole) in the model i can put a proxy for a missile and it will launch from that one position ?

do i have to put memoryPointMissile[] = {"spicerakety", "ustihlavne1"};

memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konecrakety", "konechlavne1"}; ?

or can i just put the proxy in the certain position aim it the way i want then will that work?

---------- Post added at 19:32 ---------- Previous post was at 17:39 ----------

so for each hole (missile hole) in the model i can put a proxy for a missile and it will launch from that one position ?

do i have to put memoryPointMissile[] = {"spicerakety", "ustihlavne1"};

memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konecrakety", "konechlavne1"}; ?

or can i just put the proxy in the certain position aim it the way i want then will that work?


so i did the proxy..... but when it fires.. the missile drops to the ground and then moves on the ground and sometimes lift off to its target :/......

could u please help me ?

in the model i have proxies for the missile i want (10 proxies) each positioned to its spot and angle (aiming up at 14 degree)

:/.... its frustrating me alot..

// config.bin - 20:50:31 12/17/12, generated in 0.01 seconds
// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys
// Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled

#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		2

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

#define true	1
#define false	0

class CfgPatches {
class alex_SeaRam {
	Units[] = {};
	Weapons[] = {};
	RequiredAddons[] = {};
	RequiredVersion = 1.05;

class CfgSounds {
class bos_ss {
	name = "SeaRam";
	sound[] = {"\alex_SeaRam\sounds\ss.ogg", db5, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0};

class CfgVehicleClasses {
class CIWS {
	DisplayName = CIWS;

class CfgVehicles {
class Building;	// External class reference

class NonStrategic : Building {
	class DestructionEffects;	// External class reference

class alex_SeaRam : NonStrategic {
	Scope = public;
	Side = TCivilian;
	Simulation = "House";
	Animated = true;
	VehicleClass = CIWS;
	Model = "\alex_SeaRam\alex_SeaRam.p3d";
	Icon = "\alex_SeaRam\ss.paa";
	DisplayName = "alex_SeaRam";
	NameSound = "mgun";
	Accuracy = 0.3;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	DestrType = "DestructBuilding";
	Armor = 60;
	Cost = 10;

	class EventHandlers {
		Init = "_this ExecVM 'alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_SeaRam.sqf'";

	class AnimationSources {
		class Turret {
			Source = "user";
			SourceAddress = "clamp";
			AnimPeriod = 0.85;

		class Gun {
			Source = "user";
			SourceAddress = "clamp";
			AnimPeriod = 0.85;
/*class Thing;	// External class reference

class Roadcone : Thing {
	class DestructionEffects;	// External class reference

class alex_rim7 : Roadcone {
	Scope = public;
	Side = TCivilian;
	//Simulation = "Thing";
	canFloat = false;
	maxspeed = 2000;	// max speed on level road, km/h
	Animated = true;
	VehicleClass = CIWS;
	Model = "\alex_SeaRam\rim7.p3d";
	Icon = "\alex_SeaRam\ss.paa";
	DisplayName = "Rim7";
	NameSound = "mgun";
	Accuracy = 0.3;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	DestrType = "DestructBuilding";
	Armor = 40;
	Cost = 10;


class CfgNonAIVehicles 
   class ProxyWeapon; 
class M_Sidewinder_AA : Proxyweapon {};
   class alex_rim7 : M_Sidewinder_AA
       model = "\alex_SeaRam\rim7.p3d";  
     //  simulation ="Thing"; 
	Scope = public;
	Side = TCivilian;
	Icon = "\alex_SeaRam\ss.paa";
	canFloat = false;
	maxspeed = 2000;	// max speed on level road, km/h
	Animated = true;
	VehicleClass = CIWS;
	DisplayName = "Rim7";
	NameSound = "mgun";
	Accuracy = 0.3;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	DestrType = "DestructBuilding";
	Armor = 40;
	Cost = 10;

Edited by alexboy
did... now new problem

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Sorry, your trying to use Mando Missile to "run" your missile ...... not sure if thats even possible.

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Gnat;2412530']Sorry' date=' your trying to use Mando Missile to "run" your missile ...... not sure if thats even possible.[/quote']


im using the same coding as jackass888... just changing the names to my Searam names :/

or is there a better way to make it work? because for some reason this doesnt work... it sometimes hits its target... but ya...

// config.bin - 20:50:31 12/17/12, generated in 0.01 seconds
// Generated by unRap v1.06 by Kegetys
// Separate rootclasses: Disabled, Automatic comments: Enabled

#define private		0
#define protected		1
#define public		2

#define TEast		0
#define TWest		1
#define TGuerrila		2
#define TCivilian		3
#define TSideUnknown		4
#define TEnemy		5
#define TFriendly		6
#define TLogic		7

#define true	1
#define false	0

class CfgPatches {
class alex_SeaRam {
	Units[] = {};
	Weapons[] = {};
	RequiredAddons[] = {};
	RequiredVersion = 1.05;

class CfgSounds {
class bos_ss {
	name = "SeaRam";
	sound[] = {"\alex_SeaRam\sounds\ss.ogg", db5, 1.0};
	titles[] = {0};

class CfgVehicleClasses {
class CIWS {
	DisplayName = CIWS;

class CfgVehicles {
class Building;	// External class reference

class NonStrategic : Building {
	class DestructionEffects;	// External class reference

class alex_SeaRam : NonStrategic {
	Scope = public;
	Side = TCivilian;
	Simulation = "House";
	Animated = true;
	VehicleClass = CIWS;
	Model = "\alex_SeaRam\alex_SeaRam.p3d";
	Icon = "\alex_SeaRam\ss.paa";
	DisplayName = "alex_SeaRam";
	NameSound = "mgun";
	Accuracy = 0.3;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	DestrType = "DestructBuilding";
	Armor = 60;
	Cost = 10;
	memoryPointMissile[] = {"ustihlavne1"}; 
      		 memoryPointMissileDir[] = {"konechlavne1"};  
	memoryPointGunnerOptics = "gunner1"; 
               memoryPointGun = "gunner1";  

	class EventHandlers {
		Init = "_this ExecVM 'alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_SeaRam.sqf'";

	class AnimationSources {
		class Turret {
			Source = "user";
			SourceAddress = "clamp";
			AnimPeriod = 0.85;

		class Gun {
			Source = "user";
			SourceAddress = "clamp";
			AnimPeriod = 0.85;
/*class Thing;	// External class reference

class Roadcone : Thing {
	class DestructionEffects;	// External class reference

class alex_rim7 : Roadcone {
	Scope = public;
	Side = TCivilian;
	//Simulation = "Thing";
	canFloat = false;
	maxspeed = 2000;	// max speed on level road, km/h
	Animated = true;
	VehicleClass = CIWS;
	Model = "\alex_SeaRam\alex_rim7.p3d";
	Icon = "\alex_SeaRam\ss.paa";
	DisplayName = "Rim7";
	NameSound = "mgun";
	Accuracy = 0.3;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	DestrType = "DestructBuilding";
	Armor = 40;
	Cost = 10;


class CfgNonAIVehicles 
   class ProxyWeapon; 
class M_Sidewinder_AA : Proxyweapon {};
   class alex_rim7 : M_Sidewinder_AA
       model = "\alex_SeaRam\alex_rim7.p3d";  
     //  simulation ="Thing"; 
	Scope = public;
	Side = TCivilian;
	Icon = "\alex_SeaRam\ss.paa";
	canFloat = false;
	maxspeed = 2000;	// max speed on level road, km/h
	Animated = true;
	VehicleClass = CIWS;
	DisplayName = "Rim7";
	NameSound = "mgun";
	Accuracy = 0.3;	// accuracy needed to recognize type of this target
	DestrType = "DestructBuilding";
	Armor = 40;
	Cost = 10;

Also... i was wondering what type of points do i need for like the bullets to come out... the turret eyes (where the gunner looks through, even though only AI / computer runs it) ? or any other points needed for it to fire the missiles / work properly

Edited by alexboy

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Not sure axe

Whats the weight of your model?

Whats the properties of the LODs

If the config is the same the it can only be the model thats different or your Mando setup

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Gnat;2413868']Not sure axe

Whats the weight of your model?

Whats the properties of the LODs

If the config is the same the it can only be the model thats different or your Mando setup

what do u mean properties of the LODS .. ?

is it bad that i have like 10 Proxies of the Rim_7 missile in the main (0.00) LOD ... or should i make like a 2 points and use the config to fire missiles out of that point ?

would u mind taking a look at it if i send u a link?


OK so i got everything working... the model itself aims at its target and follows it perfectly....

only problem now is that the missile doesnt shoot out of the SeaRam itself... it fires from below it like (when placed on the LHD on Utes) it fires from inside the ship (under the model)... 90% of the time making the missile spin and mostly explode before being able to leave the interrior of the LHD...

Edited by alexboy

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MMA has coding done in it for the Phalanx. Quick look, shows the firing position used by MMA is "Usti hlavne"

If this is of any help, or you need a bit more with MMA, I can dig a bit deeper if the problem is on this side, but I know very little of model configs...

If you are using modified version of MMA, you will need to post what you have

Oh, the sea sparrow also has scripts running in MMA.

What's the code you are using here:

_this ExecVM 'alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_SeaRam.sqf'

Edited by panther42

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What's the code you are using here:

_this ExecVM 'alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_SeaRam.sqf'

but im pretty sure its the model itself having problems and all... but you can have a look

 private["_sam", "_owners", "_side", "_enemysides", "_animcode", "_var"];
_sam= _this select 0;

if (isServer) then
  Sleep (2+(random 3));

  _side = _sam getVariable "mando_sam_side";

  if (!isNil "_side") then
     _enemysides = [];
        if ((_side getFriend _x) < 0.2) then
           _enemysides = _enemysides + [_x];
     } forEach [west, east, civilian, resistance, sideEnemy];

     // Simulated sea sparrow SAM (Antiair - antimissile)
     [_sam, 0, ["Air"], 8, 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], 360, 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";

     while {alive _sam} do
        _var = _sam getVariable "mando_gunattacker_on";
        if (!isNil "_var") then
           if (!_var) then
              _sam animate ["gun", rad (-20)];
              while {!_var && alive _sam} do
                 _var = _sam getVariable "mando_gunattacker_on";
                  Sleep 1;
              _sam animate ["gun", 0];
              while {_var && alive _sam} do
                 _var = _sam getVariable "mando_gunattacker_on";
                 Sleep 1;
        Sleep 1;



;mando seasparrow sam
;March 2007 mandoble
_disp        = _this select 0;
_posunit     = _this select 1;
_ttype       = _this select 2;
_quantity    = _this select 3;
_minrange    = _this select 4;
_maxrange    = _this select 5;
_rof         = _this select 6;
_firingpos   = _this select 7;
_arc         = _this select 8;
_minknow     = _this select 9;
_enemysides  = _this select 10;
_antimissile = _this select 11;
_fixeddir    = _this select 12;
_active      = _this select 13;
_radio       = _this select 14;

;Missile parameters
_launcher         = _disp
_missilebody      = "M_Sidewinder_AA"
_vangle           = 2.0
?count _this > 15: _vangle = _this select 15

_speedini         = 10
_speedmax         = 600
_acceleration     = 200
_boomrange        = 30
_activerange      = _maxrange
_modeinit         = 2
_cruisealt        = 400
_boomscript       = mando_missile_path+"warheads\mando_missilehead1a.sqf";
_smokescript      = mando_missile_path+"exhausts\mando_missilesmoke1a.sqf";
_soundrsc         = "mando_missile1"
_sounddur         = 29
_endurance        = 20
_terrainavoidance = false
_updatefreq       = 1
_delayinit        = 0
_controltime      = 0.1
_detectable       = false
_debug            = false
_launchscript     = "alex_searam\script\mando_alex_searamlaunch.sqf";
_hagility         = 65
_vagility         = 65
_accuracy         = 1
_intercept        = true
_scanarch         = 90
_scanarcv         = 180

_missileparams = [_launcher, _missilebody, [0,0,0], 0, _vangle, _speedini, _speedmax, _acceleration, objNull, _boomrange, _activerange, _modeinit, _cruisealt, _boomscript, _smokescript, _soundrsc, _sounddur, _endurance, _terrainavoidance, _updatefreq, _delayinit, _controltime, _detectable, _debug, _launchscript, _hagility, _vagility, _accuracy, _intercept, _scanarch, _scanarcv]

;MCC Sounds
;Sound for MCC activation
_radaronsound   = "mando_radaron"

;Sound for MCC deactivation
_radaroffsound  = "mando_radaroff"

[_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _firingpos, _arc, _minknow, _enemysides, _antimissile, _fixeddir, _active, _radio, _missileparams, _radaronsound, _radaroffsound] execVM mando_missile_path+"units\mando_missileattacker_auto.sqf"



// mando missile launch FX example
// mando_missilelaunch_torm1.sqf v1.0
// Sep 2009 Mandoble
// Example of missile launch time FX 
private ["_mis"];
_mis = _this select 0;

_water = "\ca\data\cl_water";
_dust  = ["\Ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal", 16, 7, 48];
//_trail = "\ca\data\cl_basic";
_trail = "\ca\data\missileSmoke";
_veh = nearestObject [_mis, "alex_searam"];
_veh say3D "bos_ss";

_mis say3D "mando_flares";
Sleep 0.001;
_i = 0.0;
while {_i < 1} do
  _i = _i + 0.1;


  Sleep 0.00001;

all help is appreciated... i honestly dont know if there are lil errors in this too

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alexboy, with the BOS seasparrow(jackass888's addon), there are memory points for mma_spawn, through mma_spawn7 which is where the missile is launched from via mando_missleattacker_auto.sqf.

The firing position, retrieved via model coordinates, [-24,-140,17], (_this select 7 in mando_bo_seasparrow_auto.sqs), and passed to mando_missileattacker_auto.sqf, then mando_missile.sqf is not used with the original as far as I have traced.

Change your initial firing position [-24,-140,17], see below, or put in memory points for mma_spawn through mma_spawn7 for the tube launch positions and use the original MMA scripts...

OR change in script alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs this line:

[_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _firingpos, _arc, _minknow, _enemysides, _antimissile, _fixeddir, _active, _radio, _missileparams, _radaronsound, _radaroffsound] execVM mando_missile_path+"units\[color="#FF0000"]mando_missileattacker_auto.sqf[/color]"


[_disp, _posunit, _ttype, _quantity, _minrange, _maxrange, _rof, _firingpos, _arc, _minknow, _enemysides, _antimissile, _fixeddir, _active, _radio, _missileparams, _radaronsound, _radaroffsound] execVM mando_missile_path+"units\[color="#FF0000"]mando_missileattacker.sqf[/color]"

The missileattacker_auto.sqf looks to be specifically designed to be used with the memory points I noted before... Make sure to change your firing position, _this select 7, [-24,-140,17], and use with the second code I gave(if you don't have the memory points).

Make any sense?

Named selections in original, Memory LOD - 8 tubes?

mma_center - can't find this in coding
mma_spawn - default?
mma_spawn0 - tube
mma_spawn1 - tube
mma_spawn2 - tube
mma_spawn3 - tube
mma_spawn4 - tube
mma_spawn5 - tube
mma_spawn6 - tube
mma_spawn7 - tube

If you have all of these points mapped in the model correctly, and still problems, we'll take another stab at it...


I missed the part on the first page you have 10 missile tubes, so you would need named selections through mma_spawn9, then change:

[_sam, 0, ["Air"],[color="#FF0000"] 8[/color], 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], 360, 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";


[_sam, 0, ["Air"], [color="#FF0000"]10[/color], 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], 360, 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";

Or, you could edit mando_missileattacker_auto.sqf to whatever your named selection is(if using script suite). Hopefully sequentially named...

Edited by panther42

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OK... so i put the memory points into the Searam... they now fire from that position... but... they are aiming the wrong way... they dont rotate with the model and i made sure i named them to the name of the part of the model they should move with.... i dont understand this :/

does this have anything to do with it : what you said

Change your initial firing position [-24,-140,17], see below, or put in memory points for mma_spawn through mma_spawn7 for the tube launch positions and use the original MMA scripts...

cause right now.. it launches the missile.. but blows up inside the model.. lol im guessing it hits the geometry walls of the model.. and explodes...

iforgot if you could rotate points ?

Edited by alexboy

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Yeah, that's probably getting into more model config stuff than I can help with. Depending on your correct "stand", "turret", "gun" names and such. If the points are not rotating with the model, I would definitely double check those. Maybe Gnat can help more with the modeling stuff.

In the mean time, try changing this:

[_sam, 0, ["Air"], 8, 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], [color="#FF0000"]360[/color], 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";

To this:

[_sam, 0, ["Air"], 8, 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], [color="#FF0000"]180[/color], 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";

Test to see if targets in front of model work ok

The other option is to use the method I provided, with the firing position. See these notes from MMA:

firing position: model coordinates of the missile firing position relative to the launcher, 
                 or four elements array array with model coordinates and radius.
                 If radius is provided, the center will be the first 3 elements of the array and the firing position
                 will be calculated starting from this center, and considering the provided radius and firing direction.

So, [0,3,3] would fire missile 3 meters in front, and 3 meters above

You would need to use mando_missileattacker.sqf instead

Is the front of your model the side the missiles should come out of? I guess what I mean is, in Oxygen, when you click on front, is it the side the missiles leave the model?

Edited by panther42

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oh thats cool... but will it incorporate the dirrection the model is pointing in ... if you know what i mean...

ill try that... right now trying to figer why the missile isnt fireing in the right direction ... give me a few minutes ill give feed back

is there something in the _auto.sqs... that has something that says the dirrection it fires in... cause it fires from the point i say... (brought the points far outside the model and saw.) but it points in the opposite direction then the model... i cant find out how to make the missile turn and go in the direction the model points in...

right now .. the missile fires... then goes toward the model and blows it up (comes in contact wiht it) lol

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Is the model/turret (side where missiles should leave) when placed down the correct direction of the model? Sounds like its backwards somehow.

Maybe the memory point mma_center does have something to do with it, but I couldn't find it referenced in any of the scripts so far...

missile should leave from mma_spawnX, and be aimed at target...that's why I said to change scan arc to 180(front of vehicle)

Try testing with this:

[180,180] which would scan @ 180(rear) with 180 arc

Edited by panther42

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so make

[_sam, 0, ["Air"], 10, 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], 360, 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";


[_sam, 0, ["Air"], 10, 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], 180, 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";



doesnt work... still has the missile shooting backwards...

the missile launces and goes and hits the model itself

Edited by alexboy

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Yes...or [180,180] for testing also

Where is the target, in relation to the model? can you put in the init line of model a hint to give you the direction when placed down? does it coincide with what you thought?

all the scripts are based off of vector direction, and direction of the model

Edited by panther42

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ok so i tried this... the missile still launches backwards.... i tried moving the points around... like fully flippign all the points... it still goes back wards?

and for some reason it launches parallel to the grownd... not at the angle the model is aiming upward at.....

i dont know how to put this in the game

Where is the target, in relation to the model? can you put in the init line of model a hint to give you the direction when placed down? does it coincide with what you thought?

all the scripts are based off of vector direction, and direction of the model

i dont knwo how to find that

Edited by alexboy

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When the missile fires, is it firing at a target in the sky behind it? From your perspective anyway...

hint format["%1", getDir this];

So when you place the model in the editor, and you think its facing North(0), does it match the above?

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ill check... give me a min or so to do this...

so put this

hint format["%1", getDir this];

in the searam init


i just noticed that when i put the model to 0.... the model faces the opposite direction... but for some reason it ... i point the front of the model in the direction with the Oxygen 2 shows front... ?

Edited by alexboy

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i just noticed that when i put the model to 0.... the model faces the opposite direction... but for some reason it ... i point the front of the model in the direction with the Oxygen 2 shows front... ?

when i put that into the init... it comes up with 0.... but as said above... my model faces like 180 from 0...

DAYYUMM... so i fliped my model... 180 degrees.... guess what it launches now -_-....... stragiht and everythign...

now the problem is that the missile doesnt hit its target...

it goes stragiht... and doesnt follow its target :/

Edited by alexboy

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glad you got the first part sorted, now on to the missile.

The original used: _missilebody = "bos_rim7" in mando_bo_seasparrow_auto.sqs, didn't you have in your config alex_rim7?

Try changing _missilebody = "M_Sidewinder_AA" to "alex_rim7"

Although the default mando_seasparrow.sqf uses "M_Sidewinder_AA", this may not be the issue

Do you have any other MOD's loaded besides MMA and your addon?

And you do have this in your searam's init:

this setVariable ["mando_sam_side", west]; or whatever side it is?

Edited by panther42

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i do have that in the init... i use the standard mission that comes with the SeaSparrow... CIWS_test.utes... i copy the init from the Seasparrow and paste it into my SeaRam...

i have 2 versions of my SeaRam... one maned by MMA... one maned by a AI/player... when i use the sidewinder... it works.... (still errors wrong in the human one (only made that one to test it to see why the MMA wasnt working))...

but i will try to use the bos_rim7...

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So, the searam is working when unmanned/AI manned? Not working when manned by player? What do you mean by "errors"

If I remember correctly, the standard mission(ciws_test) was missing "this setVariable ["mando_sam_side", west];" in the init of the seasparrow's and "this setVariable ["mando_gun_side", west];" in the gun

Try changing this line:

[_sam,[color="#FF0000"] 0[/color], ["Air"], 8, 500, 6000, 12, [-24,-140,17], 360, 0, _enemysides, true, false, true, true, 55]exec"alex_SeaRam\script\mando_alex_searam_auto.sqs";

The options for the second parameter(highlighted in red) are:

unitpos: Missile armed unit position inside vehicle: 0 driver, 1 gunner, 2 commander, anyother value = no unit.

Here is Mando's explanation of all the parameters, passed from mando_bo_seasparrow_auto.sqs in case you are unaware(these were written for mando_missileattacker.sqf, but same for mando_missileattacker_auto.sqf) :

[disp, unitpos, ttype, quantity, min range, max range, rate of fire, firing pos, scan arc or scan array, minknows, enemy sides, antimissile?, radar initially ON?, Radio Messsages?, missile params, radar on sound, radar off sound] exec"mando_missileattacker.sqf"

disp: Missile armed vehicle
unitpos: Missile armed unit position inside vehicle: 0 driver, 1 gunner, 2 commander, anyother value = no unit.
missile target types array: ["Air"] or ["LandVehicle"] or ["Air", "LandVehicle", "Ship"],etc. "REMOTE" target type may be used to indicate this unit may target targets locked by other units.    
quantity: number of missiles loaded into this unit.
min range: closer than that, the system will not attack units.
max range: farther than that, the system will not attack units
rate of fire: maximum number of missiles launched per minute.
firing position: model coordinates of the missile firing position relative to the launcher, 
                 or four elements array array with model coordinates and radius.
                 If radius is provided, the center will be the first 3 elements of the array and the firing position
                 will be calculated starting from this center, and considering the provided radius and firing direction.
scan arc: arc in front of the firing unit where targets may be locked, 90 means from -45 degrees to the left to
          +45 degrees to the right, 360 will lock on any target in range, 180 will lock on any target in front 
          of the firing unit (from -90 to the left to +90 to the right).
          array with arc and delta. Delta is an angle to add to the direction of the firing unit. For example, a gun 
          able to engange targets to the left of the firing unit in an arc of 90 degrees [90,270]. 
	   The array accepts two extra members indicating min elevation angle and max elevation angle
	   For example [360, 0, 10, 80] -> Full coverage, but max elevation 80 and min 10
minimum knowledge: Minimum knowledge of the target to attack it from 0 (nothing, STANDOFF attacks) to 4 (everything).
enemy sides: array with sides considered enemy (west, east, resistance, sideLogic, sideEnemy and/or civilian), leave it as empty array for automatic enemy sides detection ([]).
             note: empty units side is civilian
             note: if you include the side of the launcher, it may launch a missile to itself.
             note: if the side of the launcher is civilian and this array is empty, it will attack any other side 

Able to track and fire against incomming detectable missiles? (true/false)
Its "launcher" is fixed to the direction of the vehicle? true/false. If false, the missile will be fired already oriented towards the target, else using the launcher's direction.
Initially active: true/false. If false, the unit may be activated writing a true into its "mando_missileattacker_on" variable.
                  You may use mando_attackeronoff.sqf to activate/deactivate one or more units.
Radio initially on: true/false. If false, it may be turned on when needed writing a true into its "mando_missileattacker_radio" variable.
Array of missile paramters (same as used for mando_missile.sqf script)
Radar ON sound resource name, "" if none.
Radar OFF sound resource name, "" if none.
Radar name (text string, same as used for mando_radar), this parameter is optional, if used then the launcher will use the provided radar and not its own one.

Example of init field for a AG missile armed unit with a single missile system:

this as missile armed unit
Firing unit position: 1 (gunner)
Target Type = 1 (ground/sea)
8 missiles left
Range from 500 to 2000m
firing up to 10 missiles per minute
Firing place 3m ahead and 3m above firing unit's vehicle position
Searching for targets in an arc of 90 degress in from the of the launching vehicle
The target needs to be known minimally by the firing unit
Will attack only east side units
Not able to track and fire against incomming missiles
The missile will be launched with launcher dir
Initially active
Transmitting targets and shots by radio
[this, 1, 1, 8, 500, 2000, 10, [0,3,3], 90, 1, [east], false, false, true, true, _mymissileparams, "", ""]execVM"mando_missiles\units\mando_missileattacker.sqf"

Oh, and if you're going to man these, or have a player in control, you might want to check out Mando Long Range Radar (SAM Site Control Center) in the readme...

Edited by panther42

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