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ARMSCor Mod 3.0.3 (Work in progress)

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Oh man i love the Alouette III really good job, and u nailed on it unique engine sound :D

The Alouette has been part of my childhood on every airshow, heres some pics i took http://imgur.com/a/QX0ho

Also i think u should watch this awesome video about them from "Rotores de Portugal"

they do a bit of dancing and display how great this chopper is :)


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Loving your work on this... Benoni boy here, so close to my heart.

Have you got these setup as BluFor or is there an Independant Faction option ?

Cheers - SJ

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Nice pictures. I'm looking for hight res pictures of the interior/dash. Don't suppose you have any?

Yes. I love that video. One of my favourites.

ARMSCor includes multiple factions. Blue, Green and Red.

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Nice pictures. I'm looking for hight res pictures of the interior/dash. Don't suppose you have any?

Yes. I love that video. One of my favourites.

ARMSCor includes multiple factions. Blue, Green and Red.

Unfortunatly no, i was inside one of them but it was ages ago, didn't have any digital camera, but if i do get the chance again ill snap some.

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Updated mod v1.3.22.2 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey PetraCephas , you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!

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Oh man sorry, I made a confusion!

Yes, I tried the ACR versions. They are great but the model are a liiittle different from the classic Galil!

I was referring to the R4 or R5 (Non ACR) but with a side mount picatinny rail similar to the AK's ones where the rail is no fixed on the top of the gun (Sudden's and Toadie's has something like these side mounts on theirs AK's packs)

Just like those examples here:




http://guntech.com/galil/pri_mount-1.jpg (137 kB)


Hello Deniodan,


I'm reacting to your post, because I own a galil SAR (airsoft gun) and I wish to use this mount (first picture).  How could I fix/adapt this mount on my replica ?


Here is this link to my airsoft gun : http://images.google.fr/imgres?imgurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.airsoftgi.com%2Fimages%2Fairsoft-CGgalilSARd.jpg&imgrefurl=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.airsoftgi.com%2Fproduct_info.php%3Fproducts_id%3D4989&h=500&w=700&tbnid=UiHDbzsT85pYxM%3A&docid=RRN0wY__DxWwOM&ei=Nvj3VtyxMIf1apayrdAL&tbm=isch&iact=rc&uact=3&dur=362&page=1&start=0&ndsp=16&ved=0ahUKEwjcpMi5k-HLAhWHuhoKHRZZC7oQrQMIMzAG


Thank you in advance for your answer



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Hey, i have been using the ArmsCor mod for a while, i love the Alouette III.


Would it be possible to get the Alouette III PT Skin as a standalone? I would like to be able to use with with my Squad but they don't like having "extra stuff" so they would use it only as standalone

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Hey. Guys


I'm going to close off this thread as I have started a new one after the ARMSCor reboot. To continue the chat jump on over to: 


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