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Underwater Demolitions and Boat Disabling

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I have made a mission involving various SEAL teams. One of the objectives is to destroy or disable all enemy ships near the Marina. In the Showcase, there was the option to disable an enemy boat. However, I can't seem to figure out how to do that outside that showcase. Also, when on land, I have the option to place C4 on a vehicle. However, when underwater, the game won't allow me to select explosives to plant on boats.

Does anyone know how to do this? Disable or Destroy ships while being underwater as a Diver or Swimmer......

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It's scripted in the showcase, that's why you can't do it in an other mission.

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Moreover, this scripted action merely 'prevents' (as far as the mission's "story" goes) the speedboat from moving (so that if you were to call in the mortar strike against it, the driver won't be able to get the craft out of the way) and prompts the onboard divers to dive into the water to look for you and/or attempt to "repair" the speedboat; there's no actual explosives planting.

On your end, unfortunately that means that you'll have to script such a "maritime sabotage" objective yourself or find someone else who can help walk you through it.

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I got to dig that out again because I was just trying to create a underwater demolition task myself. What sense does it make to have an diver explosive specialist if he cant even plant bombs underwater?

Edited by GefrBachmann

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What sense does it make to have an diver explosive specialist if he cant even plant bombs underwater?

I have pondered this briefly on more than one occasion. Kinda like HALO and no cargo plane currently.

Regarding the OP, zooloo75 has a script that addresses things of this nature. See related post for more info.

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Thank you for the link. I´m starting to think more and more that this game is not ready for release in three days..

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