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New to the Editor, just a few questions about random things.

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Okay, so like it says in the title, i'm new to the editor, i've been using it for 4 days and I can do basic stuff like simple go here missions.

Now, on mission scale:

1. I can't figure out how to end an intro sequence so the mission starts,

then I want my mission to end when there are no more OpFor troops left, can't figure out either of those.

2. Next, i'd like to know if it is possible to gain extra squad members. In one of my missions i'm working on, an OpFor Rifle team(player controlled) moves up a hill and takes out some Blues defending an captured OpFor heli, in the mission about half of my OpFor's die. What I want to do is fly the heli over to Maxwell and "regroup" with a fire squad that wasn't previously in my squad. Now, I was wondering if it is possible to make that firesquad's troops go into my squad by maybe a trigger or something.

After they are in my squad I'm going to finish the mission by taking back Mike-26. (if I knew how to end it)

Also something i've wondered. What move command makes an AI controlled helicopter land and pick up troops. Everything I tried just causes it to hover about 30 feet away and go to the next marker. And on landing subject. Sometimes a heli or vehicle won't unload transport unless a player is in the vehicle or convoy, any way around this? (note it's only sometimes, seems random, and when it does happen, the heli will just fly around aimlessly.

There was some more but I don't remember what it was, I'll edit it in if I remember.

Thanks :D

Edited by Firebird117

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You have posted in the wrong section - ask for this to be moved to Arma3 - mission editing and scripting here:


You will find the answers to your questions in there / someone will help / also try Arma2 mission editing and scripting - most of it still applies.

It will probably help to bullet point that long list and number the questions so they can be easily answered.

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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  Firebird117 said:

Also something i've wondered. What move command makes an AI controlled helicopter land and pick up troops. Everything I tried just causes it to hover about 30 feet away and go to the next marker. And on landing subject. Sometimes a heli or vehicle won't unload transport unless a player is in the vehicle or convoy, any way around this? (note it's only sometimes, seems random, and when it does happen, the heli will just fly around aimlessly.

Try adding an invisible HeliPad where you want the chopper to land (and/or use that instead of a marker)



For unloading the chopper something like:

{unassignvehicle _x; dogetout _x} foreach units (group player);

in the waypoint's init (not tested)

Also check Arma 2 editing section for help as most things there will work for Arma 3

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  Firebird117 said:
1. I can't figure out how to end an intro sequence so the mission starts,

then I want my mission to end when there are no more OpFor troops left, can't figure out either of those.

Intro end: use a trigger of the type end #1 - it will end the intro mission and start the main mission.

Remember this will only occur when the mission is saved as a .pbo - exported to single player missions and you play it as a scenario, in the editor it will just preview the intro and then end.

End mission when no opfor left: trigger again: Type:end#1 Activation: opfor : Not present

  Firebird117 said:
2. Next, i'd like to know if it is possible to gain extra squad members. In one of my missions i'm working on, an OpFor Rifle team(player controlled) moves up a hill and takes out some Blues defending an captured OpFor heli, in the mission about half of my OpFor's die. What I want to do is fly the heli over to Maxwell and "regroup" with a fire squad that wasn't previously in my squad. Now, I was wondering if it is possible to make that firesquad's troops go into my squad by maybe a trigger or something.

After they are in my squad I'm going to finish the mission by taking back Mike-26. (if I knew how to end it)

Use a trigger with this in the On Act:

[_unitOne, _unitTwo] joinSilent (group player);
//or better as we may not know who will be alive or dead
{[_x] joinSilent (group player)} forEach units groupName;

  Firebird117 said:
Also something i've wondered. What move command makes an AI controlled helicopter land and pick up troops. Everything I tried just causes it to hover about 30 feet away and go to the next marker. And on landing subject. Sometimes a heli or vehicle won't unload transport unless a player is in the vehicle or convoy, any way around this? (note it's only sometimes, seems random, and when it does happen, the heli will just fly around aimlessly.

Use this in a waypoint init along with an invisible helipad:

{_x assignAsCargo vehicleNameHere; [_x] orderGetIn true;} forEach units (group player);

Helicopter will land and pickup troops then continue to further waypoints. If it's not the players group, substitute (group player) for groupName

get out:

{unassignvehicle _x; [_x] orderGetIn false;} foreach units (group player);

Edited by Mattar_Tharkari

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