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Use the tutorial of Vectorboson/Bigpoppa step by step if you want learn dialogs.

If you want a dialog i can do it for you, if you want...

Don't modify #define....... (you can do it but... I don't know how...)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (bigpoppa @ Oct. 21 2002,22:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">This time I have to agree with Gameer_77  tounge.gif

There a lot of limitations to styles and controls and I can't tell you all! I'll sometimes have to find out myself.  confused.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Am i hearing this right... biggrin.gif

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I did use the tutorial and I also combed through Maruk's sample mission, so I understand a lot more than I did now.

I was just trying to make sure that I wasn't doing something wrong for the button's text not to position itself according to the Style that I used and defined. Since it didn't seem to work, and you all aren't sure, then I'll get around it by modifying the pictures and the text. I just wanted to make sure before I went through the extra work of re-defining some of the buttons.

Too bad buttons can't be dynamically added like items in a listbox can.

Basically I'm placing pictures of pictures of vehicles and such on buttons and I wanted the text on the button to be centered above the vehicle. I have several things I can do.

I can create a small button that is centered over the picture, or I can make the picture smaller and fit it within the confines of the button, or I can create a larger button and then define the text and the picture separately. It's more work that way, of course.

BTW, any of you know where a list of the picture items included in Opflash is? I've been searching OFPEC and around here but haven't found it yet.

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That's something I really want as well, the list of in game picture names... If you de pbo some of the data files, you can find the actual *.paas, but I don't know how to call them in game...

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To put the pics onto a listbox, use this:

lbSetPicture [_idc, _index, "picname"]

KaRRiLLioN, i still don't understand what your trying to do. Could you maybe post a screeny or your .ext (Part of it) so we can see?

Mebbe it's just my immature mind though tounge.gif

wow.gif PEACE

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I scripted a tool bar like in the game (where you can see your units and num), and I use pict of the game, If you want to see how I have post a sample mission in OFPEC.

Here it a list of pict.paa of the game :

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

; Icons for tool bar if you want your own put it in data folder (for addons dePBO it and take the small .paa pict)

; Plane >  ia10   -   icessna   -  

; West Tanks > iabrams   -  im60   -  im113   -  im113_ambu   -     -     -     -     -     -  

; East Tanks >   it55   - it72   -  it80   -  ibmp   -  ibmp_abu   -  izsu (Shilka)   -     -     -     -  

; West Helico > iuh60   - icobra   -

; East Helico >  imi17   - imi24

; West Trucks > ijeep   - ijeepmg    - ijeepmutt (radio)    -  itruck5t   -  itruck5tfuel   -  itruck5trepair   -

; East Trucks >  iuaz   - iural     - iuralfuel  -  iuralrepair  - iscud

; West Units > igrenadier   - islaw  -  ismg  -  isaa  -  isat  -  isniper  -   iminer    - imortar    -  ipilot   -  icrew   - isaboteur   - imedic

; East Units  > ivojak   -

; Resistance Trucks  >  iv3s   - iv3sfuel   -  iv3srepair  

; Civil cars  >  iaston   -  irapid   -  iskoda   - itraktor    -  

; Arty > idelo

; Divers >  icivil -  ipbr (boat) -  iracek (seagull)<span id='postcolor'>

Hope this help you.

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