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SP_Welcome to Stratis

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  • Welcome to Stratis is a ARMA 3 tutorial designed to help new players get into the game with a fully manned base for training and a short, simple mission to familiarize new players with the combat in Arma 3.


  • Brief overview of basic controls necessary for combat.
  • Basic description of all units, vehicles and crates.
  • A short elimination mission intended for new players.


  • Extract the .pbo file(s) to your ArmA3\MPMissions folder.


  • Go to Multiplayer->LAN and select the mission.

Planned Updates:

  • OPFOR version
  • option for a tougher mission
  • various 'exercises' around the base
  • targets on the firing range

Change log:


  • Added numerous sand barrels to both firing ranges.
  • Removed the helicopter pilot that was standing next to the helicopters.
  • Added markers for all objectives, including the one's where the waypoint is working.


  • Sometimes, mission marker's will not appear, even after setting it as your current task. This is a bug with the game itself. To get around this, there is a set of co-ordinates in every task description which you can click to show where you should be going.


- Download

Edited by RedFerrari1998
Update 1.03

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I like the idea of your tutorial mission but it may be a litttle confusing for the target group of new players to have contradictory installation instructions. According to the readme the mission should be placed in the Missions folder, here you say it goes to MP-Missions.

When I played the mission I couldn't do much. I don't know if I did something wrong or if the mission needs some more attention. Does it work only with a specific version of the game?

- I wanted to practise shooting at the firing range but didn't see any targets.

- Why does the pilot have to be shot before flying the helicopter? I think, shooting friendlies should never be a requirement - especially not in a tutorial mission.

- I went to the lighthouse and received the order to search some enemies, but there were neither coordinates nor a marker on the map. I didn't know how to proceed.

- Are there any other activities which can be tried?

Ideas for updates, if you are planning any:

- Could you add stationary and moving targets at different distances? Targets could be OpFor soldiers, vehicles, boats and helicopters without ammunition.

- Could you place weapons near the firing position?

- Could you make your mission playable with third-party addons (units and weapons) the player may have installed?

- Could you list the possible activities in your readme file and explain how ro activate them?

- For the search mission issued at the lighthouse it may be sufficient to give a rough idea of the area where the enemies can be found. Precise coordinates may make the task too easy.

- Could you add Teamswitch and make it possible to try different load-outs?

- Can you provide a small group of friendly AI soldiers for the player to control?

- Can you add a few friendly vehicles with crews so that the player can manage a convoi?

- Could you populate one of the other military camps with OpFor and "mirror" the whole mission so that we can experiment with both factions?

- Could you leth the player decide the weather and the time of day? It might be interesting to practise at night or to see how AI react in foggy weather.

My apologies if I just didn't start the mission properly.

Edited by Alpha-Kilo

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Alpha-Kilo, i will respond to your inquiries in the best i can.

-No targets on the firing range

The thing with this is that i couldn't decide on the targets. Opfor would shoot at you, Blufor running around would be just silly and civilians fealt inappropriate. I know you can take away the weapons from certain soldiers but i believe that requires coding, which i am useless at.

-Killing the pilot

Once again, i'm just no good at coding yet. I know making a custom gearbox containing the helicopter pilot outfit does require coding.

-No map marker

The no map marker showing is, as far as i know, a bug with the actual game which i just don't know how to get around. I did put down invisible markers over all objective locations and linked them with the objective. Press M and go into the tasks area and each task (except the last task) will have a set of co-ordinates that you can click on. It will only show in the map, though.

-Any other activities

As it stands, what is there is there. At the moment it's just the simple mission with a training area.

Updates are planned to add more tutorials and area's to practice in. Opfor base to play instead of Blufor is definitely planned, as well as doing the coding to get rid of the helicopter pilot to kill and to add targets. I was planning also on adding vehicle tutorials as well as shooting area's inside of other location's like the forest to practice in. I also want to create a second ending with a tougher mission for more experienced players who are just looking to train.


Edited by RedFerrari1998

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Red Ferrari

thanks for the comments.

Re: No targets the the firing range:

There are some very good dedicated firing range missions available already. Check them out at Armaholic. Perhaps the authors would allow you to use them in your mission? If not, you could just place plastic barrels as targets. Should you decide to use Opfor soldiers, take away their ammunition. This might help.

Re: Killing the pilot:

You don't have to wear a pilot's outfit to fly a helicopter in ArmA. Just put unlocked helicopters in your map and that's all. The pilot character is unnecessary and can be left out. If you do want him in the mission he can safely be ignored by the player. He doesn't have to be shot.

Re: No map marker:

The problem is opening the map (or the diary) did not reveal any info except the two tasks: go to Kamino firing range and go to the lighthouse. If you have more than these two tasks, you might want to look into the matter. I think you don't have to make it very complicated. The simplest way to solve the problem is to put markers on the map whereever an activity takes place. Then no written instruction of any sort or coordinates are required. The player can drive to the markers and if you're kind you could place vehicles at each destination so that the player doesn't have to worry about fuel.

Re: Any other activities:

When I read the big word "tutorial" I expected something else, I guess. But please keep the updates coming.

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The lack of activities is the first thing that i want to focus on, i plan to update as much as possible with 'exercises' for different aspects of Arma.

I will start working on a update ASAP. I plan to have it ready by Monday/Tuesday.

Oh, and i'll work on the marker bug.

Edited by RedFerrari1998

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I haven't played the mission, but after reading your thread, (DO NOT TAKE OFFENSE) you should take the time to learn the scripting language in order to bring your features to life.

Edited by zooloo75

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Version 1.03 has been released with slight changes, nothing too big.


  • Added numerous sand barrels to both firing ranges.
  • Removed the helicopter pilot that was standing next to the helicopters.
  • Added markers for all objectives, including the one's where the waypoint is working.

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