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How is multiplayer..?

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I only have LITE version for the simple reason that I want a physical copy of ARMA 3.

I do wonder how multiplayer works in ARMA 3. I have not played much multiplayer in arma 2, but what I remember from both A1 and A2, is highly unstructured gameplay with teamkilling. With unstructured, I mean almost no teamwork at all.

So I wonder if public multiplayer matches have been improved in ARMA 3?

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The co-op missions in multiplayer can be real fun. I highly suggest looking for a clan which values teamwork above all. There are dozens of options out there and I can tell you, you won't regret it.

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Yes, its similar to ARMA2 for PUBLIC MP.

Of course if anyone can join or leave at any time its almost impossible to make it organized.

You need a group of friends to get together and play. That's what clans are...

Having said that, I recently played on a few public servers (Dev build) and not encountered any A-holes. A few went off on their own and some others joined up to do the mission together.

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Most of players are doing individual PvP, with med sized clans trying something structured. You'll feel more like "here to test", so ppl likes to go around, experiment, doing "stupid" things, instead of apply for a organized serious gameplay, that is exactly what you would expect from a alpha (testing).

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So I wonder if public multiplayer matches have been improved in ARMA 3?

unfortunately you can't improve people's behaviour by updating the game. so you just have to be lucky. having said that. when i play i do so on public servers running either tactical PvP (like blitzkrieg which sadly is kinda rare these days) or domination/invade & annex. the last two are very similar coop modes. these modes require minimal team management to be enjoyable. like having choppers taxi between base and AO. if you come on one of these servers just observe and listen for a sec. are choppers doing transport, are people communicating a lot (VON or chat). if not just look for another server.

it depends 100% on the people since it's multiplayer.

aside from some times i mostly find that people cooperate pretty well though. i had a lot of old school domination flash backs when playing arma 3 lately. dedicated pilots doing quick landings in hot zones spontaneous squads forming to go take care of the side mission. i even witnessed some people going all wetsuit and with a boat just because they thought it was cool. and even if people don't chat or voice chat a lot you can find games where people just stick together and help each other quietly.

unfortunately i can't really play much right now since i have some weird stutter since one of the last dev patches. some game modes are fine though. so don't expect a multiplayer fully working as intended yet but also don't think that people are just testing. there are a lot of public servers for the fact that some people can't even play MP properly right now.

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Been playing Team Death Match, TDM, lately. Short, sharp meeting engagements.

Rounds last 40-60 minutes at most.

Friendly icons on, easy to buddy up on the fly; limited load-outs, so not many scoped sniper-tards.

Simple fire & maneuver is a great way to train-up your avatar.

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Not fun at all, problems to get on servers if you are runing dev build, then boring inside, problems with FPS etc guess we just have to wait

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Multi-player is amazing. Far more entertaining than arma 2, had some great fire fights recently.

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