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3rd Person Camera Issue: Structure/Building

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I have been modding ARMA 2 when it was first released, and now that ARMA 3 alpha has come out I have decided to come back after a 2 year break from Modeling.

Ok now to the topic. I am having the issue where if you're in the third person camera the player can look through the walls just by moving the view around, this is for all objects within the building as well as the structure itself. I thought that the geometry may be the cause of the issue, but I have looked at some BIS and my previous buildings and they all seem to have the same structure regarding to the geometry, all of the geomtry is closed.

The geometry works flawlessly ingame, as well as my animations, it's just this viewing through the object in third person that's bugging me. Is there maybe a line in the config that I may be missing?

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I messaged Dwarden about this when Deadfast made his 3rd person camera mod. It's an issue in vanilla, but it's insane with Deadfast's mod:

I suppose we should make a ticket on the issue tracker.

I speak poorly in the video and say that it's an issue with the mod. It's actually not an issue with the mod, it's a game/engine/config issue.

Edited by MacScottie

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I understand that and have seen the video but with my structure the view goes through absolutely everything. You can see that the view zooms in as soon as you enter the room. But with mine, it just stays outside the building until you walk in far enough.

Edited by Mattaustr

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Just like to bump this to make it more aware, and to see if anyone may have any clues to the issue.

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Please don't bump threads without a significant update. Posts with no content are considered spam. To get around the spam rule you should perhaps detail what you've tried so far.

Edited by Max Power

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