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Seb uh-1m

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Hey Folks,

I just a some shots of this absolutely incredible bird in another forum : (scroll down a bit to the second post)


Does anybody know where I can get this thing ?

I searched all known OFP-Sites and did a Google-search, but nothing.

Or is it maybe not available to the public for now?

Argh, I need this thing ! Please !!  biggrin.gif

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it isn't available yet m8 sorry. i just posted those pics to give you a taste of what Frandsen did to the uh-1d to make it a uh-1m and the good work of evis coding it

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Has anyone made a chopper with a functional minigun (that actually looks like a minigun) yet?

Also, IRL are there any door mounted miniguns on choppers, or only in chin mounts?

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Howdy all biggrin.gif

The new Hueys will be whit a update for the nam pack but when its due to be available it up to the SEB Team

Status on them

UH1d - 99% done

UH1m - 80% done

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Ahh ok, I already guessed it´s still in development.

Now that I know I can sleep again, I almost went nuts last night looking for that chopper biggrin.gif



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there should also be a AH-1G and CH-47A and ACH-47 and a possibilty of an OH-6A Cayuse in the pack

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