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bobby budnick

How to replace some files only in ca.pbo? I have tried 3 different methods

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With the newest DEV version, they have eliminated the vehicle init scripting commands. Unfortunately, these commands are used in the ca.pbo particleeffects > scripts folder. This causes visible script errors when Arma 2 vehicles are spawned. I have commented out the offending lines and I am attempting to replace the scripts.

Method 1:

Add the modified scripts to my already modified ca_e.pbo keeping the folder structure intact.

This does not work - the original files are still being called from the original ca.pbo

Method 2:

Make a mod pbo with a config.cpp that has a cfgpatches with a random classname and required addons of "CAData". The replaced scripts with the folder structure intact are placed in this pbo.

This does not work - the original files are still being called from the original ca.pbo

Method 3:

Make a mod pbo with a config.cpp that has a classname of "CAData" (no quotes) with a cfgmods entry below it with class "CA" (no quotes) dir "CA". The replaced scripts with the folder structure intact are placed in this pbo.

This does not work - the original files are still being called from the original ca.pbo

The only method that I know that works is the brute force method, where you copy the entire pbo, replace the files in it, and load it as a mod. Fortunately, I have a "working" ca.pbo that has been reduced from about 130 MB to about 10 MB. Many textures are not working this way though because they were deleted. I would like to do this the proper way if possible. Thanks for any help.

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I am kind of new to Arma editing.. but from what I have read so far I think the key here is the PBO prefix (can be set in BinPBO options). Try creating your custom "ca_e.pbo" as in method 1 but make sure the PBO prefix is set exactly the same as the original ca.pbo (and use modfolder).

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Thanks for trying to help. I was already aware of the prefixes. When a mod pbo is given the same prefix as an original pbo it seems to replace ALL the files in the original pbo. I need to replace some files only. As it stands now, I will release my mod with the stripped down original ca.pbo unless anyone has any further suggestions.

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sounds like your using eliteness which does that, just use pbo manager or something else.

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Hello guys... I need a Great help; I want to do a project that replace the default weapons of BIS for others weapons addons... All the information that you can give me I will be grateful... Thank

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