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Snake Man

Multiplayer with PMC 51km Desert terrain

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PMC Tactical server is running persistent missions using PMC 51km Desert terrain

Server name: PMC Tactical http://tactical.nekromantix.com

The terrain is vast desert 51km x 51km in size with 100+ locations; modern cities, ruined cities, villages, oilfields, harbor/ports and airbases. There is long two lane highway and other road network also.

Currently we focus on PMC Delta Safari mission where players take role of US Army Delta Force members who's task is to hunt down and kill enemy VIPs and SCUD launcher sites. We have many other missions included in the server and several under development so there is plenty of missions to play. In fact I have some great missions in development for this (type of) terrain, but they just need more players.

For easy automatic download / install use Play With Six - PMC 51km Desert (terrain) or if you want to get hands on manually get it from PMC Addons/Mods Manuals: PMC 51km Desert, mirror from Armaholic.com.

Please join for some great fun MP! :)

Edited by Snake Man
fixed play with six link.

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PMC Tactical server addons has been updated 05-23-13

We now also host PMC Rattler (25km desert terrain), PMC Rugen (25km european terrain) and PMC Somalia (whole Somalia conflict mod) on top of the existing PMC 51km Desert (51km desert terrain).

This means that yes indeed the amount of required addons has increased greatly which will put off some people...

For anyone still wanting to join our server to play great PMC COOP missions, its not that difficult. The four different set of addons do not conflict with each other and none of our missions are using stuff from more than one addon at the time. We even have pure no addons required chernarus/takistani PMC missions there which require indeed no addons to join the server.

The catch is though, that lets say you join the server to play chernarus/takistani missions which require no addons, you play along... then someone else in the server changes a mission to any of the addon missions... then you would be dropped off the server with an error that you cannot edit/play this mission because content is missing.

Simplest solution is to install all addons of course, any PMC fan should already have done so anyways. If you use Play withSix launcher it will automatically install all addons for you, no work is necessary from your part.

Here are some Play withSix links for you to ease the search even more:





You can manually download all of those from PMC Tactical ArmA 2 Downloads page.

Hope to see you on the server...

Edited by Snake Man
fixed play with six links.

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Fixed play with six links on above posts. Also I'm still looking for players to join our server, there are lot of good missions to play so why not check it out. I have also couple of new missions under development which testing requires few players to join, can't do it alone.

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Hi Snake - I'd be happy to give you a hand and can most likely drag some other players along. When are you usually online?

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That would be great. I don't have any set time really, as I have persistent missions running there for days I often times find myself going to the server "mission daytime" because I don't like night missions that much heh, although in a big desert the stupid AI keeps vehicle headlights on at night and they are easy to spot kilometers away then you hunt them down on aircraft, so there is that :)

But yeah, anytime is fine by me.

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Thanks for hosting and creating the missions!! We'll be doing the same this Sunday July 20th see the link in my previous post for more information

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Do you ever PVP?

Not in any serious way. We do sometimes play Road Rage or other fun DM style missions.. usually before/after another mission.

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Sunday July 20th, 14:00 Eastern Time we are playing again, this time on PMC Rugen terrain. Our previous session last sunday was great, its interesting to see how this new one turns out as the terrain is rather different with all the forests and european landscape.

We play with ArmA 2 CO v1.63 patch, server will be public and its name will be "PMC Tactical LOCAL PMC Addons" (yes, don't ask hehe), we have the VTE and 1.62 beta servers up too so don't mix them up, look for the new v1.63 server.

Everybody is welcome, we'll guarantee some great COOP missions, hope to see you guys on the server!

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