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AI Skill Problems

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Hi Guys,

i build a few Missions for Arma III all works great so far the only problem seems to be the Skill of the AI.

In all my Missions i set in the Editor the AI Skill slider to Max right (In the Mission.sqm its like skill=0.2)

in the Most Mission it works great but in the last Time the AI is like a Terminator.

One Example: An AI is ~50Meters in Front of me with his back in my direction. If i Fire a Shot in his direction

he immediately turns around and i get a headshot thats all in ~2sec. I tryed it many times with mostly the

same result.

I also tryed the TPWCAS - TPWC AI Suppression System A3 but with the same strange result.

I also tryed to set the AI Skill in the init.sqf like:

_x setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1];
_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.1];
_x setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1];
_x setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1];
_x setSkill ["spottime", 0.1];
_x setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.5];
_x setSkill ["commanding", 0.5];
_x setSkill ["general", 0.5];
} forEach allUnits; 

any Ideas to solve this thing?



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You can try making a small function and pass that newly created unit/group to that aiskill function. I found if you set the skill using allunits generically it wouldnt work.

_unit = "soldiertype" createunit [position player, _grp];
[_unit] spawn Fnc_aiSkillsetting;

Fnc_aiSkillSetting = { _unit= this select 0; 
_unit setSkill ["aimingspeed", 0.1]; 
_unit  setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.1]; 
_unit  setSkill ["aimingaccuracy", 0.1]; 
_unit  setSkill ["aimingshake", 0.1]; 
_unit  setSkill ["spottime", 0.1]; 
_unit  setSkill ["spotdistance", 0.5]; 
_unit setSkill ["commanding", 0.5]; 
_unit setSkill ["general", 0.5]; 

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I was having the same issue if I spawn anything via script, for some reason it ignores any setting on server and set All skill to 1

This works for me Just take out Debug bit once testing is complete , always good to see on Dedi what is happening :)

_Grp1 = [_spos, EAST, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> _randomsquad)] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;
 [_Grp1] call God_fnc_Skill;

God_fnc_Skill ={
_groupnamed = _this select 0;	
_leaderguy = leader _groupnamed;
_leaderguy setskill 0.55;
_x setskill ["aimingAccuracy",0.45];
_x setskill ["spotDistance",0.55];
_x setskill ["spotTime",0.55];
_x setskill ["courage",0.50];
_x setskill ["commanding",0.50];
_x setskill ["aimingShake",0.55];
_x setskill ["aimingSpeed",0.60];

//////DEBUG//////Comment out when working/////////////////	
_aA = _x skill "aimingAccuracy";
_aS = _x skill "aimingShake";
_aSp = _x skill "aimingSpeed";
_e = _x skill "Endurance";
_sD = _x skill "spotDistance";
_sT = _x skill "spotTime";
_c = _x skill "courage";
_rS =_x skill "reloadSpeed";

diag_log format [
			"unit: %1\naimingAccuracy: %2\naimingShake: %3
			\naimingSpeed: %4\nEndurance: %5\nspotDistance: %6
			\nspotTime: %7\ncourage: %8\nreloadSpeed: %9"


} foreach units _groupnamed ;

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I don't Spawn Units just the preplaced in the Editor and let them patrol with UPS. How can i adept your Script? -.-

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Veh = [This] execvm "script name.sqf"; or use spawn. In the init box of unit in editor

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when setting AI skill using: setskill

In multiplayer, will all the spawned AI have the new setskill for all players on the server? or do i need to use "if server" or something like that


_grp1 = createGroup east;
_grp1 = [getMarkerPos RandomDirection, east, (configfile >> "CfgGroups" >> "East" >> "OPF_F" >> "Infantry" >> "OIA_InfTeam")] call BIS_fnc_spawnGroup;

_wp0 = _grp1 addWaypoint [AttackMarkerLocation,0];
_wp0 setWaypointType "SAD";
_wp0 setWaypointSpeed "NORMAL";

_grpname = _this select 0;    
_grpleader = leader _grpname;

_grpleader setskill 0.25; //-- easy AI

Edited by falconx1

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I was having the same issue if I spawn anything via script, for some reason it ignores any setting on server and set All skill to 1

There is an identified issue with the skill (sets it to 1 instead of leaving it default) when using BIS_fnc_spawnGroup. It also ignores the azimuth of the group. Vote it up.

Temporary fix of the function:

//scriptName "Functions\spawning\fn_spawnGroup.sqf";
File: spawnGroup.sqf
Author: Joris-Jan van 't Land, modified by Thomas Ryan

Function which handles the spawning of a dynamic group of characters.
The composition of the group can be passed to the function.
Alternatively a number can be passed and the function will spawn that
amount of characters with a random type.

_this select 0: the group's starting position (Array)
_this select 1: the group's side (Side)
_this select 2: can be three different types:
	- list of character types (Array)
	- amount of characters (Number)
	- CfgGroups entry (Config)
_this select 3: (optional) list of relative positions (Array)
_this select 4: (optional) list of ranks (Array)
_this select 5: (optional) skill range (Array)
_this select 6: (optional) ammunition count range (Array)
_this select 7: (optional) randomization controls (Array)
	0: amount of mandatory units (Number)
	1: spawn chance for the remaining units (Number)
_this select 8: (optional) azimuth (Number)

The group (Group)

//Validate parameter count
if ((count _this) < 3) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Function requires at leat 3 parameters!"; grpNull};

private ["_pos", "_side"];
_pos = [_this, 0, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_side = [_this, 1, sideUnknown, [sideUnknown]] call BIS_fnc_param;

private ["_chars", "_charsType", "_types"];
_chars = [_this, 2, [], [[], 0, configFile]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_charsType = typeName _chars;
if (_charsType == (typeName [])) then
_types = _chars;
if (_charsType == (typeName 0)) then 
	//Only a count was given, so ask this function for a good composition.
	_types = [_side, _chars] call BIS_fnc_returnGroupComposition;
	if (_charsType == (typeName configFile)) then 
		_types = [];

private ["_positions", "_ranks", "_skillRange", "_ammoRange", "_randomControls"];
_positions = [_this, 3, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_ranks = [_this, 4, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_skillRange = [_this, 5, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_ammoRange = [_this, 6, [], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;
_randomControls = [_this, 7, [-1, 1], [[]]] call BIS_fnc_param;

//Fetch the random controls.
private ["_minUnits", "_chance"];
_minUnits = _randomControls select 0;
_chance = _randomControls select 1;

private ["_azimuth"];
_azimuth = [_this, 8, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param;

//Check parameter validity.
//TODO: Check for valid skill and ammo ranges?
if ((typeName _pos) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Position (0) should be an Array!"; grpNull};
if ((count _pos) < 2) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Position (0) should contain at least 2 elements!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _side) != (typeName sideEnemy)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Side (1) should be of type Side!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _positions) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of relative positions (3) should be an Array!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _ranks) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of ranks (4) should be an Array!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _skillRange) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Skill range (5) should be an Array!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _ammoRange) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Ammo range (6) should be an Array!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _randomControls) != (typeName [])) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Random controls (7) should be an Array!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _minUnits) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Mandatory units (7 select 0) should be a Number!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _chance) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Spawn chance (7 select 1) should be a Number!"; grpNull};
if ((typeName _azimuth) != (typeName 0)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Azimuth (8) should be a Number!"; grpNull};
if ((_minUnits != -1) && (_minUnits < 1)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Mandatory units (7 select 0) should be at least 1!"; grpNull};
if ((_chance < 0) || (_chance > 1)) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] Spawn chance (7 select 1) should be between 0 and 1!"; grpNull};
if (((count _positions) > 0) && ((count _types) != (count _positions))) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of positions (3) should contain an equal amount of elements to the list of types (2)!"; grpNull};
if (((count _ranks) > 0) && ((count _types) != (count _ranks))) exitWith {debugLog "Log: [spawnGroup] List of ranks (4) should contain an equal amount of elements to the list of types (2)!"; grpNull};

//Convert a CfgGroups entry to types, positions and ranks.
if (_charsType == (typeName configFile)) then 
_ranks = [];
_positions = [];

for "_i" from 0 to ((count _chars) - 1) do 
	private ["_item"];
	_item = _chars select _i;

	if (isClass _item) then 
		_types = _types + [getText(_item >> "vehicle")];
		_ranks = _ranks + [getText(_item >> "rank")];
		_positions = _positions + [getArray(_item >> "position")];

private ["_grp"];
_grp = createGroup _side;

//Create the units according to the selected types.
for "_i" from 0 to ((count _types) - 1) do
//See if this unit should be skipped.
private ["_skip"];
_skip = false;
if (_minUnits != -1) then 
	//Has the mandatory minimum been reached?
	if (_i > (_minUnits - 1)) then 
		//Has the spawn chance been satisfied?
		if ((random 1) > _chance) then {_skip = true};

if (!_skip) then 
	private ["_unit", "_type"];
	_type = _types select _i;

	//If given, use relative position.
	private ["_itemPos"];
	if ((count _positions) > 0) then 
		private ["_relPos"];
		_relPos = _positions select _i;
		_relPos = [_relPos, 360 - _azimuth] call BIS_fnc_rotateVector2D; // added line
		_itemPos = [(_pos select 0) + (_relPos select 0), (_pos select 1) + (_relPos select 1)];
		_itemPos = _pos;

	//Is this a character or vehicle?	
	if (getNumber(configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> _type >> "isMan") == 1) then 
		//_unit = _grp createUnit [_type, _itemPos, [], 0, "FORM"];
		_type createUnit [_itemPos, _grp]; // added line
		_unit = (units _grp) select ((count units _grp) - 1); // added line
		_unit setDir _azimuth;
		_unit = ([_itemPos, _azimuth, _type, _grp] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle) select 0;

	//If given, set the unit's rank.
	if ((count _ranks) > 0) then 
		//[_unit,_ranks select _i] call bis_fnc_setRank;

	//If a range was given, set a random skill.
	if ((count _skillRange) > 0) then 
		private ["_minSkill", "_maxSkill", "_diff"];
		_minSkill = _skillRange select 0;
		_maxSkill = _skillRange select 1;
		_diff = _maxSkill - _minSkill;

		_unit setUnitAbility (_minSkill + (random _diff));	

	//If a range was given, set a random ammo count.
	if ((count _ammoRange) > 0) then 
		private ["_minAmmo", "_maxAmmo", "_diff"];
		_minAmmo = _ammoRange select 0;
		_maxAmmo = _ammoRange select 1;
		_diff = _maxAmmo - _minAmmo;

		_unit setVehicleAmmo (_minAmmo + (random _diff));	

//--- Sort group members by ranks (the same as 2D editor does it)
private ["_newGrp"];
_newGrp = createGroup _side;
while {count units _grp > 0} do {
private ["_maxRank","_unit"];
_maxRank = -1;
_unit = objnull;
	_rank = rankid _x;
	if (_rank > _maxRank) then {_maxRank = _rank; _unit = _x;};
} foreach units _grp;
[_unit] joinsilent _newGrp;
_newGrp selectleader (units _newGrp select 0);
deletegroup _grp;


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