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Make Love Not War

Discovered Game-Breaking AI Bug

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Has anyone else noticed this bug: http://feedback.arma3.com/view.php?id=7258? In short, the AI is no longer properly engaging targets if they are over 128+ metres distant. Unless something else is happening that I don't understand, this is completely game breaking. It's very strange that nobody else seems to have picked up on it considering that I have reason to believe that it has been around for several dev builds now.

Can anybody else confirm or deny the validity of repro mission that I included in the feedback tracker ticket? After an initial burst of fire lasting a handful of seconds, I can't get the AI to fire again at me regardless of what I do unless I enter within 128 metres of him. One can even do a little dance, jinking back and forth over the 128 meter mark and watch as the OPFOR will aggressively engage when at 127 meters and then immediately cease fire at 129 metres, over and over again. Hasn't anybody else noticed this problem? Am I going crazy here?

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This is alpha so nothing is game breaking, I have not seen this type of bug when playing with AI.

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Your ticket on the tracker is enough. No need to make a mountain out of an alpha mole hill. And by the way, thank you for using the tracker. The forums, I would think, are the inferior way to get your feedback into the devs hands in a manageable way.

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