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Hiding positions on the map. Possible?

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Hi all I was wondering if there's a script to hide all friendly & enemy positions from appearing on player's maps in a MP server?

All I can find is one that was for ACE2.


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There is an option for that in the difficulty settings.

Although it seems it doesnt work for SP now, but I havent tried changing it in MP.

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Yes I already tried it in game difficulty settings for SP & MP but doesn't work, just reverts back to default. Well the overall one works, veteran / elite etc but I just wanted to turn off the extended HUD (I think that's the one) whilst playing regular rather than ramp everything up.

I'm hoping that there's a script that can do this. Other than that it's waiting till the game difficulty settings are fixed.

Edited by Freebie

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I think that difficulty settings were fixed in the DEV branch recently, you might want to give it a try.

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Another approach might be to change the difficulty setting in the config file, then write-protect that config file. If the config file is indeed the problem.

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Another approach might be to change the difficulty setting in the config file, then write-protect that config file. If the config file is indeed the problem.

Yep this worked cheers. For some reason there's a great big circle around your approx position (don't know why BIS put that in) but from what I've read it's coming out so good. As when you don't want to see where you are on the map you REALLY don't want to see where you are on the map.

Now all I've got to do is find a way to disable all AI talk/radio chatter. Anyone know of a way to do that? :o

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