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Possible to play warfare single player with speed up and respawn?

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And does this mode even work with ai as commander? All they do is build a few buildings, then stops caring about everything else.

Edited by ^Th0mas^

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Yes it does, but it can have some issues reverting from a saved game (well, thats what i found on own created missions but that could be just me).

If you have Arma2 OA etc check out the Arma2 original official mission "Bear Rising" .. its essentially the same idea but with tanks in SP to give an idea with Ai controlling everything.

Sorry not sure about Speed up or what you mean, respawn can work SP just like MP, there are official battle scenarios/capture the flag in MP that show this working, BTW you can run a MP mission and save it and revert like playing it SP.

If you want to go more into the editor and have fun setting something up similar then check out the addon/scipt package Hetman Artificial commander:


It has demo missions too, you can set up artificial commander for both sides and play as a grunt to capture locations, or play as a commander for a side and control everything, set up your own map/locations to fight over, so its kind of like warfare but more created direct for SP fun and your own control to set it up.

Edited by mrcash2009

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