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MoveInCargo, possibly locality?

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So i'm trying to set it up so that if you have a player on the ground in the animation of hands behind head then you can put him in a vehicle.

private ["_vcl","_target","_cop"];
_cop = _this select 0;
_vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos _cop, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0);
_target = objNull;

if((_x distance _vcl < 10) && (animationstate _x == "civillying01")) then
_target = _x;
} forEach civarray;

hint format ["%1",_target];

if (isNull _target) then 
_cop sideChat "No civilians close enough to your vehicle!";
} else {
_cop sideChat "Civilian has been put in your vehicle!";
_target moveInCargo _vcl;

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The MoveIn-Commands are global in effect, but local in arguments. So if _target isn't local to you, nothing will happen.

If this is a MP mission and the target isn't an AI which is local to your client, you have to execute the code below on the computer of the player you want to get into the vehicle.

I'm not used to other remote execution scripts but the RE-Command so I'll give you a snippet which should work:

private ["_vcl","_target","_cop"];
_cop = _this select 0;
_vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos _cop, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0);
_target = objNull;

if((_x distance _vcl < 10) && (animationstate _x == "civillying01")) then
        _target = _x;
} forEach civarray;

if (isNull _target) then 
_cop sideChat "No civilians close enough to your vehicle!";
} else {
_cop sideChat "Civilian has been put in your vehicle!";

       getTargetInCar = {
           _car = _this;
           player assignAsCargo _car;
           player moveInCargo _car;
[nil, _target, "loc", rSpawn, _vcl, getTargetInCar] call RE;

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You can put _target in cargo from anywhere by using action

_target action ["moveToCargo", _vcl, 0];

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