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About Coding_Camel

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    Private First Class
  1. ["INV_SavedVehicle",INV_SavedVehicle] spawn clientsavevar; is not the issue, that's just a custom function that writes it to the database. ---------- Post added at 16:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ---------- I got it to work, appears as though there was another conflicting variable (No idea what though, searched the whole variables file)
  2. Recently i've been working on a vehicle saving script for a life mission... It works with one vehicle, where there is a variable carrying a single item like LAND_CAR. When I try to do this with arrays, it says "Type string, expected array", the error happens when count INV_SavedVehicle happens. The code is very messy, as i'm not looking for perfection yet, just something that works with an array. Variable is declared in seperate SQF like this INV_SavedVehicle = []; Save code _ArryLength = count INV_SavedVehicle; if(_ArryLength >= 3) then { player groupChat "You can not save more than 3 vehicles, to get more please remove a vehicle at the retrieve vehicle box..."; } else { _vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos player, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0); _vclClass = typeOf _vcl; player globalchat format ["VEHICLE ARRAY : %1",_vcl]; // debug INV_SavedVehicle set [count INV_SavedVehicle, _vclClass]; player globalchat format ["SAVED ARRAY : %1",INV_SavedVehicle]; // debug deleteVehicle _vcl; player groupChat "VEHICLE SAVED, YOU MAY RETRIEVE IT AT THE VEHICLE RETRIEVE POINT!"; ["INV_SavedVehicle",INV_SavedVehicle] spawn clientsavevar; }; The save code is executed from an action. Hopefully someone can help. Thanks, Camel
  3. I get the error include file not found x\cba\main\addons\script_mod.hpp not found This error is given on the server when the mission starts. If I click OK the server crashes, any ideas?
  4. Hello there! I'm Coding Camel from True American Gaming, and i'm here to announce the launch of our new community mission, True American Life. It is hosted on the map Celle, and features; Donator Housing, 1000+ vehicles, Custom Anti-Hack, Full stat save, Backed by developers who have been modding since Arma 1, Addonsync, Custom game launcher. To find the server search "[TA]" in your filter. We wish to have a server with 20+ players all the time, so that everyone can have an enjoyable experience. We have a custom launcher where all you have to do is click "Install [TA] Island Life" and you'll be ready to go in 15-20 minutes, you can also use addonsync! ADDONSYNC URL: http://tanfowebsite.site.nfoservers.com/life/life.7z LAUNCHER : http://trueamericangaming.com/forum/m/7814935/viewthread/6843558-true-american-gaming-official-game-launcher-beta DIRECT LAUNCHER DOWNLOAD : http://www.mediafire.com/download/43y9xj1r2vt0zbv/TA_Game_Launcher.exe WEBSITE : http://trueamericangaming.com/ If you have any questions, please join our teamspeak server : ta.ts3dns.com We hope you enjoy your experience here. Thanks, True American Gaming Staff
  5. So i'm trying to set it up so that if you have a player on the ground in the animation of hands behind head then you can put him in a vehicle. private ["_vcl","_target","_cop"]; _cop = _this select 0; _vcl = (nearestobjects [getpos _cop, ["Air", "Ship", "LandVehicle"], 3] select 0); _target = objNull; { if((_x distance _vcl < 10) && (animationstate _x == "civillying01")) then { _target = _x; }; } forEach civarray; hint format ["%1",_target]; if (isNull _target) then { _cop sideChat "No civilians close enough to your vehicle!"; } else { _cop sideChat "Civilian has been put in your vehicle!"; _target moveInCargo _vcl; };
  6. Well, it's a life mission; So heres how it's executed from an action. action4 = _role addaction ["Rob safe","bankrob.sqf", ["ausrauben", safe1],1,false,true,"","player distance safe1 <= 3 and isciv"];
  7. Hi, so I have a script where you walk up to a safe and try to rob it. Only problem is I want it to display differently for each bank you rob. _safe is defined at the top, given in a parameter when an action is selected. I've done hints with %1 variables and they display safe1, safe2, and safe3 as they should. Although when I use an if statement to check which safe it is it doesn't work. if (_safe == "safe1") then { hint "safe 1"; }; Either gives "Zero Divisor Error" or "Generic Error in Expression" Could it be that that if statement is inside another if statement?
  8. So, we've got the files on the server but we can't figure out how to actually start the server with the cfg's and other things. Anyone have experience with this?
  9. Hi, recently I posted about server sided files, but I figured that one out myself. Now here's the problem. I have a file that has 3 uid lists, each for different bases, and a trigger that checks if you are in that uid list. The uid lists worked fine, but now that they are server sided they don't work. I tried publicvariable, and publicvariableclient. I'm guessing that its because the variable is being put on the server, and not on the client? or something similar heres the condition for the trigger this && player in thislist && !((getPlayerUID player) in baseUID1 OR (getPlayerUID player) in baseUID2);
  10. Sorry, posted in the wrong section last time. I'm trying to put a SQF file on the server so it's not in the mission file. I've seen it done before, anyone here know how? I'm using [] execVM "servermissionfile\code.sqf" to execute it from the init. EDIT - just found that it uses the isServer check in the init for other files. I think this is my issue!
  11. Coding_Camel

    Server Siding files

    Hi everyone. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with putting sqf files on the server. I've tried using [] execVM "servermissionfile\script.sqf" but it says it cant find the file. I've heard that is is very tricky to get it to work correctly.
  12. Coding_Camel

    Player Distance Markerpos

    Works like a charm, thanks
  13. Coding_Camel

    Player Distance Markerpos

    So if I do player groupchat "SCRIPT ACTIVATED!"; If (Player Distance (GetMarkerPos "fish") < 10) Then { Player GroupChat "FISH CAUGHT!" } Else { player groupChat "You are not where the fish are!" } I wouldn't need the ;'s
  14. Coding_Camel

    Player Distance Markerpos

    Uhhh trey or ice, don't you need the ; at the end of each }?