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How to place group in building and randomize placement?

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I'm working on a promising hostage rescue mission. I'd like to accomplish the following in setting up the placement of the hostages:

i. Place them inside a building at the start of the mission. I've tried doing this, in an "inhabited" shack, as accurately as possible but in the 3-D world of the mission, they are always outside. I suspect an init script is needed...

ii. Randomize placement, if possible, so that they might spawn inside any one of three locations. Can this be done? It's not mission critical but it would be great.

As always, Editor ninjas, I throw myself at your mercy. Thanks.

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Hostage rescue is probably one of the most popular style. Kinda like songs about girls. Search really is your friend.

Having said that, I also like to 'pay it forward' a bit, for all the help I've received on this forums over and over again. With that in mind, here's one you might try, from the Legend of Shuko. It's actually titled 'Hostage in random building';


and there are lots of other threads to find, missions you can crack open, etc

Good Luck!

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Shuko's process worked perfectly. Thank you.

I did an extensive search but came up with nothing half as elegant or effective. I appreciate the play forward.

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