cobra4v320 27 Posted March 28, 2013 (edited) bulletCam.sqf Created by Big Dawg KS 2/14/2011 ARMA 2 v1.2 Updated by cobra4v320 4/5/2013 for ARMA 3 v1.3 Description: Shows the path of the projectile in slow motion until it hits a target or another object. Singleplayer ONLY. Parameter(s): * To exit the camera ingame (while in flight), press the numberpad key zero. * To add supported weapons, add MUZZLE classnames to _list (note: classnames are CASE SENSITIVE) * To disable bullet cam, set BDKS_DisableBulletCam = true * To disable blur effects, set BDKS_BulletCamNoBlur = true * To disable particle effects, set BDKS_BulletCamNoParticleFX = true * To change FOV (zoom), change the value of BDKS_BulletCamFOV (default 0.05). Ex: BDKS_BulletCamFOV = 0.3 * To change time acceleration, change the value of BDKS_BulletCamAccTime (default 0.5). Ex: BDKS_BulletCamAccTime = 0.2 (Note: AccTime only works in Singleplayer) * To make another unit's (other than local player) bullet cam show for the local player, set unit variable BDKS_ShowBulletCamToPlayer = true, ex: if(local Spotter)then{Sniper setVariable ["BDKS_ShowBulletCamToPlayer",true]} Example(s): this addEventHandler ["fired",{_this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "bulletCam.sqf"}] Mission Example: Video: BulletCam Script: /* Bullet Camera Script: bulletcam.sqf Created By: Big Dawg KS 2/14/2011 ARMA 2 v 1.2 Updated By: Cobra4v320 4/5/2013 ARMA 3 v 1.3 Description: Shows the path of the bullet in slowmotion until it hits a target or another object. Parameter(s): * To exit the camera ingame (while in flight), press the key for ironsights/optics (zero on numberpad) * To add supported weapons, add MUZZLE classnames to _list (note: classnames are CASE SENSITIVE) * To disable bullet cam, set BDKS_DisableBulletCam = true * To disable blur effects, set BDKS_BulletCamNoBlur = true * To disable particle effects, set BDKS_BulletCamNoParticleFX = true * To change FOV (zoom), change the value of BDKS_BulletCamFOV (default 0.05). Ex: BDKS_BulletCamFOV = 0.3 * To change time acceleration, change the value of BDKS_BulletCamAccTime (default 0.5). Ex: BDKS_BulletCamAccTime = 0.2 (Note: AccTime only works in Singleplayer) * To make another unit's (other than local player) bullet cam show for the local player, set unit variable BDKS_ShowBulletCamToPlayer = true, ex: if(local Spotter)then{Sniper setVariable ["BDKS_ShowBulletCamToPlayer",true]} Example(s): this addEventHandler ["fired",{_this call compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "bulletCam.sqf"}] */ if ((cursorTarget distance player) < 100 || (player findNearestEnemy position player) distance player < 100) exitWith {}; _projectile = nearestObject [_this select 0,_this select 4]; if (count _this >= 7) then {_projectile = _this select 6}; if (call {if (isNil "BDKS_DisableBulletCam") then {true} else {!BDKS_DisableBulletCam}}) then { if ((_this select 0) == vehicle player || call {if (isNil {(_this select 0) getVariable "BDKS_ShowBulletCamToPlayer"}) then {false} else {(_this select 0) getVariable "BDKS_ShowBulletCamToPlayer"}})then { // Add more weapons here _list = ["srifle_EBR_F","arifle_MXM_F","launch_NLAW_F","launch_RPG32_F","GL_3GL_F","EGLM","mortar_82mm"]; _type = getText (configFile >> "CfgAmmo" >> (_this select 4) >> "simulation"); _relPos = [0,-13,0.05]; _fov = 0.05; _accTime = 0.5; if (!isNil "BDKS_BulletCamFOV") then {_fov = BDKS_BulletCamFOV}; if (_type == "shotMissile" || _type == "shotRocket") then {_relPos = [0,-13,5.2]; _fov = 0.5; _accTime = 0.3}; if (_type == "shotShell") then {_relPos = [0,-10,7.2]; _fov = 0.3; _accTime = 0.9}; _disablePP = false; if (call {if (isNil "BDKS_BulletCamNoBlur")then{false} else {BDKS_DisableBulletCam}}) then {_disablePP = true}; if (!isNil "BDKS_BulletCamAccTime") then {_accTime = BDKS_BulletCamAccTime}; _enableParticles = true; if (call {if(isNil "BDKS_BulletCamNoParticleFX")then{false}else{BDKS_BulletCamNoParticleFX}}) then {_enableParticles = false}; if ((_this select 2) in _list && !(isNull _projectile)) then { setAccTime _accTime; _camera = "camera" camCreate (getPos _projectile); _camera cameraEffect ["INTERNAL","BACK"]; showCinemaBorder false; cutText ["","BLACK IN",0.2]; _pSource = objNull; if (_enableParticles && _type == "ShotBullet") then { _pShape = ["\a3\data_f\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal.p3d", 16, 13, 3, 0]; _pSize = [0.01,0.05]; _pColor = [[1,1,1,0.08],[1,1,1,0.16],[1,1,1,0.03],[1,1,1,0]]; _pSource = "#particlesource" createVehicleLocal (getPos _projectile); _pSource attachTo [_projectile,[0,0,0]]; _pSource setParticleParams [_pShape,"","Billboard",1,0.3,[0,0,0],[0,0,0],0,1,0.79,0.18,_pSize,_pColor,[1000],100,0.01,"","",_projectile,360]; _pSource setDropInterval 0.001; }; [_projectile,_camera,_relPos,_fov,_pSource,_disablePP] spawn { _projectile = _this select 0; _camera = _this select 1; _relPos = _this select 2; _fov = _this select 3; _pSource = _this select 4; _disablePP = _this select 5; _cancel = false; while {alive _projectile && alive _camera && !_cancel} do { _camera camSetTarget _projectile; _camera camSetRelPos _relPos; _camera camSetFOV _fov; _camera camSetFocus [600,2]; _camera camCommit 0; "RadialBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0.02,0.02,0.1,0.1]; "RadialBlur" ppEffectCommit 0.01; if (!_disablePP) then {"RadialBlur" ppEffectEnable true}; if (inputAction "optics" != 0) then {_cancel = true}; sleep 0.001; }; if (alive _camera && !_cancel) then { _camera camSetFocus [-(_relPos select 1),1]; _camera camSetFOV (_fov * 1.6); _camera camCommit 1.5; "RadialBlur" ppEffectAdjust [0,0,1,1]; "RadialBlur" ppEffectCommit 0.7; sleep 1.39; }; cutText ["","BLACK OUT",0.1]; sleep 0.11; setAccTime 1; "RadialBlur" ppEffectEnable false; _camera cameraEffect ["TERMINATE","BACK"]; camDestroy _camera; if (!isNull _pSource) then {deleteVehicle _pSource}; cutText ["","BLACK IN",0.6]; }; }; }; }; Change Log: Added: "shotShell" so it will show the grenade launchers and mortars properly. AccTime sped up for those really high angle shots, FOV, and relative position changed. Changed: "shotMissile" and "shotRocket" FOV and relative position changed. Updated: the weapons list with sniper/DMR rifles, GL muzzle names, and both rocket launchers. You can add/delete whatever you want from this list. Updated: example mission Updated: uses precompiled function call. Added: a check to see if enemies were within 100 meters of the player, if so the script will exit. Note: I have attempted to contact Big Dawg KS, he hasn't been on here in over 7 months according to his profile and his private message box is full. Edited April 6, 2013 by cobra4v320 Updated script 3 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tuliq 3 Posted March 28, 2013 Nice! Could be fun to use to add some tension during missions were a single bullet should make a difference. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted March 28, 2013 (edited) This will be good for those sniper mission or when dropping GBUs when we get fighters. Edited April 6, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted April 5, 2013 Hello all, the script has been updated above, sorry no change log at the moment. :j: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted April 6, 2013 (edited) Script Update Added: "shotShell" so it will show the grenade launchers and mortars properly. AccTime sped up for those really high angle shots, FOV, and relative position changed. Changed: "shotMissile" and "shotRocket" FOV and relative position changed. Updated: the weapons list with sniper/DMR rifles, GL muzzle names, and both rocket launchers. You can add/delete whatever you want from this list. Updated: example mission Updated: uses precompiled function call. Edited April 6, 2013 by cobra4v320 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deadlyhabit 2 Posted April 6, 2013 Do you think this could possibly implemented into say one of the side panel "monitors" or surfaces (don't know what to exactly call them)? The separate video surfaces you can use for say helmet cams to view what other troops are doing, vehicle weapon optics, vehicle mirrors etc. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted April 6, 2013 You mean PIP picture in picture. Thats actually not a bad idea. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
deadlyhabit 2 Posted April 6, 2013 Yes haha had a brainfart for the proper term, PiP. Was actually debating attempting it then I saw your script here. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted April 6, 2013 Updated the script above, added a check to see if there were enemies within 100 meters of the player. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
This kid 1 Posted April 6, 2013 Thanks cobra4v320, the updated camera script rocks! I love to use this on RPGs. It makes scoring a hit a lot more satisfying. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4072 Posted April 23, 2013 Cobra nice work. i dont have Arma3 nor can I play it because of OS incompatibility, however I did get this script into a test mission for Iron Front and it worked, I just had to change the classnames for the weapons, but the only issue I have is I get a message that pops up on the first fire shot: Warning Message: Cannot open object a3\data_f\particleeffects\universal\universal.p3dError: Model a3\data_f\particleeffects\universal\universal.p3d cannot be used as a sprite - it has not just one LOD level Can i set this up as a trigger to disable the particle effects using this: To disable particle effects, set BDKS_BulletCamNoParticleFX = true or do you need to adjust something in the script to remove any references to Arma3? Also in bd ks original script, in his test mission there was a fac operator with this code: BD_BulletCam = compile preprocessFileLineNumbers "bulletcam.sqf"; BDKS_DisableBulletCam = false How can i use a trigger with this code so that there no other units on the map, as without this code in a fac operator in his test mission the bullet cam wouldn't work. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cobra4v320 27 Posted April 23, 2013 Replace with: \ca\Data\ParticleEffects\Universal\Universal.p3d. I can add in a check to see whether or not you are playing arma 2 OA or ARMA 3. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4072 Posted April 24, 2013 Yes that would be great. Question, I'm wondering if it were possible to actually have visual on a bullet while its flying as the cam is just following something invisible, something I'd like to see related to this is like this: Where you have the camera rotate around the bullet, but again actually have a bullet. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dystopian 25 Posted December 21, 2016 Love the script dude, I was up late last night sniping Russians on Tanoa laughing my ass off. Even better with the Bloodlust and headgore mods. LOL. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mxup 0 Posted January 4, 2022 Anybody can update link to this script? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites