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Clutter and Surface hpp's

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Hello again everybody!

Would anyone be willing to share a Template for the CfgClutter and CfgSurfaces hpp's? I do not know how they differ from OA or really how to set up one of those. I'm sure if I had a Template I could figure it out. Or if someone has a completed one with all clutter on it and a cfgsurfaces to accompany it that would be exactly what I'm looking for. Much appreciated everybody!

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So I put together a cfgclutter and a cfgsurface and after re- binarizing my island the sat map was destroyed in game, and extremely large portions were completely untextured... Here is what they are let me know what's wrong with them if you can... made these myself so they are probably wrong =P


Awakenrm was kind enough to pm his cfgClutter.hpp and cfgSurfaces.hpp

Edited by Twin2Win

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Currently I'm stuck with a clutter issue. I would like to use A3 default clutter/terrain types. Has anyone managed to use it yet?

If yes, it would be very helpful if the respective persons could post layers.cfg, cfgsurfaces.hpp and cfgclutter.hpp.

I don't know what I'm doing wrong - my respective config files, taken from Stratis (very basic for learning purposes):


class Layers
class ZGM_Sand1
   texture = "ZGM_TEST4_A3\data\ZGM_Sand1_mco.paa";
   material= "ZGM_TEST4_A3\data\ZGM_Sand1.rvmat";

class Legend
 class Colors
   class ZGM_Sand1[]={{255,255,255}};

cfgsurfaces (included in config.cpp)

class CfgSurfaces
class Default{};
class Water{};
class ZGMSandSurface: Default
	access = 2;
	files = "ZGM_Sand1_*";
	character = "StratisForestPineClutter";
	soundEnviron = "drygrass";
	soundHit = "soft_ground";
	rough = 0.08;
	maxSpeedCoef = 0.9;
	dust = 0.75;
	lucidity = 2;

class CfgSurfaceCharacters
class StratisForestPineClutter
	probability[] = {0.05,0.012,0.01,0.1,0.05};
	names[] = {"StrBigFallenBranches_pine","StrBigFallenBranches_pine02","StrBigFallenBranches_pine03","StrGrassDryGroup","StrGrassGreenGroup"};

cfgclutter (also included in config.cpp):

class DefaultClutter;
class clutter
                       class StrBigFallenBranches_pine: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.0;
			swLighting = "false";
			scaleMin = 0.3;
			scaleMax = 0.7;
		class StrBigFallenBranches_pine02: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine02.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.0;
			swLighting = "false";
			scaleMin = 0.3;
			scaleMax = 0.7;
		class StrBigFallenBranches_pine03: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\Plants_F\Clutter\c_bigFallenBranches_pine03.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.0;
			swLighting = "false";
			scaleMin = 0.3;
			scaleMax = 0.7;
                       class StrGrassDryGroup: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassDry_group.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.65;
			swLighting = "true";
			scaleMin = 0.65;
			scaleMax = 1.0;
                        class StrGrassGreenGroup: DefaultClutter
			model = "A3\plants_f\Clutter\c_StrGrassGreen_group.p3d";
			affectedByWind = 0.6;
			swLighting = "true";
			scaleMin = 0.7;
			scaleMax = 1.0;

Or is it that I don't use separate files? Rpt doesn't complain...

Any help appreciated! :)

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For your class names of the clutter remember you need to change the names from the default arma3 ones to your own or clutter may not work on your island.

So instead of StrGrassDryGroup could be ZGM_Test_GrassDryGroup

As far as the separate files I don't think it makes a difference its just makes things easier to locate and change when they are segmented out in separate files.

Edited by M1lkm8n

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I tried it before with customized classnames - no success :(

But: problem solved. I simply use A3 default texture names now. Benefit of that is "autoclutter" ;)

The presence of the more general file map_data.pbo makes me think clutter and surface is now done rather "hardcoded" than by hpp now...although both systems seem to work.

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I tried it before with customized classnames - no success :(

But: problem solved. I simply use A3 default texture names now. Benefit of that is "autoclutter" ;)

The presence of the more general file map_data.pbo makes me think clutter and surface is now done rather "hardcoded" than by hpp now...although both systems seem to work.

Yea. I haven't been doing anything a3 for a bit but I think they may be specified in a different area in the config now. I have my own clutter specified and it works. If you want I can throw them up here for you.

edit- ill just throw them up anyway

I have three pbos a grandmanan (which houses my wrp file dn main config), a gm_map_data(which has my clutter config and ground textures) , and a gm_roads(which has my roads).

heres the configs for the main grandmanan pbo and then the gm_map_data pbo

main config:




Edited by M1lkm8n

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Cheers, TY! I'll soon come up with sth in return - but its not finished...yet :cool:

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