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Loading screen issues

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Hi guys,

I really would like to point to this ticket I made:


Currently in the alpha if you load a mission or a mission save the loading screen stays visible for up to 10 seconds when the mission is already running. This can cause issues that you can get killed while the loading screen is still visible or missing hint pop ups or intro video's etc.

Currently this ticket only has 3 votes, but I assume that there are many more players that should have experienced it. At least I saw a bunch of youtube video's displaying this problem too.

So anyone that would like to see this get fixed with one of the next updates then do leave your vote/comment on the ticket so that BIS will not ignore it.

Of course it is not a game braking issue, but it can mess up certain mission starts and can result in sudden deaths without being able to do anything about it as you are still seeing the loading screen.


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This had been an issue for many years. Some time ago it was fixed for Arma II (they said), but even afterwards I've experienced the loading screen for 10+ seconds while the mission is already running (with a SSD drive and 16GB DDR3).

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