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COMPLETE - Very simple silent takedown script (ZOD_STAKEDOWN)

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I have seen several threads (mainly in A3 forums) talking about silent takedowns for stealth missions and if BI will incorporate it... I thought it would be pretty simple to do so I had a crack at it. That is the story how this version of simple silent takedown script was born!


V3 - http://forums.bistudio.com/showthread.php?151501-COMPLETE-Very-simple-silent-takedown-script-(ZOD_STAKEDOWN)&p=2360339&viewfull=1#post2360339


1. Uses salute key as hotkey so you dont have to use the action menu (although that is still there if you want to use it that way!)

2. Basic setup in one line on any init field. Slightly more advanced setup (Chance of failure, specific units) through trigger and one line on act

3. Compatible with A2 and A3 with no editing


VERY difficult to do during the day. Much more feasible at night against an enemy without night vision!

Edited by Zodd

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This sounds interesting. I have a 3 mission camp I'm working on with one being Stealth but I'm not sure what exactly this script does?

Could you kindly explain a bit more what it does for the mission? Is it some kind of scoring system?

I don't quite understand.....

Thank you

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All it does is simulate a silent attack (eg. knife) on an individual - If you get within range (2m in this case) you have the option (addaction - red, top most action) to do a 'silent takedown'

That will kill the unit to your immediate front.

I would see it being used for silent takedowns of sentries etc. (Better than using silenced weapons as they still make some noise - disadvantage is it is riskier as you need to get very close and it isnt instant)

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Kudos for going out there and making it yourself. Looking at your script this should technically work in A3 as well. My knowledge of basic scripting is very limited, but if you're up for expanding on this, here are some hopefully easily implemented suggestions:

- Keep the init line as clean as possible. I believe this can be done by simply passing the trigger (or maybe a marker area instead) to the script (a la [this, "stealth_area"]) and then running the addAction within the script.

- Consider adding a chance to fail, perhaps based on unit skill. Not sure what the punishment should be; counterkill? Or maybe force both units to play an animation simulating a struggle, requiring you to have a buddy cover you in order to ensure a safe takedown.

This is probably not within your abilities, but perhaps with the new physics engine and grenade throwing, knives can be implemented with a mod. Afterall, we already do have stones as an item.

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Didnt work in A3 due to use of the surrender animation but it works by replacing it with a salute instead


First point - true... that is a much better idea! An init script could even create its own trigger or gather all units some other way so just an init line is required... Would also allow passing of other parameters to it... might get on it now!

Second point - That is already on the list (first thing I was going to do in fact!) Putting in a chance to fail and just do some damage which also lets the AI know about you. (That is its own punishment as you will have to recover your weapon before they turn around to engage you!)

I may very well look at how to mod an item... I am using this script now to simulate throwing knives (adding in LoS too) but having them as an item would be great (if you can throw stones you can throw knives right!!!)

I have an idea forming for a mission (based on a WW2 event) involving divers and and throwing knives/sentry removal...

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Updated first post with V1 (incorporating the suggestions and other improves)

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zod_stakedown V1.3 is done!


Several big changes (Read Readme for key details)


MP (respawn) compatible

Added optional 'X was knifed by Y' hint (Arma 3 only)

Extra variables and ability to specifically customise individual unit melee stats (Speed of takedown, lethality chance, minimum damage, whether the salute animation is played or not)

Added ability to remove the floating text hint when in range

Combined into one version for A2/A3 (May change in future but V1.3 is compatible with both with the exception of the hint)

Thanks to aclaw4u and the blokes at the Midnight Crew Reddit Wasteland for testing!

Edited by Zodd

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