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Underwater Improvements

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G'day guys. My suggestion is we could make the underwater effects in TOH better like in ArmA 3 to give a better depth of the sim.

here is a photo of ArmA 3's underwater effects:

Arma-3-lighting-trailer-thumb-610x240.jpg :computer:


Ranwer :)

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Yep. An improvement like this would really enhance take on helicopters since the sea and river graphics are a drawback in the game. And that if you consider that in many places you can literally walk or land on rivers like nothing is happening. It is really annoying especially when enemies can also cross these rivers.

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If you consider landing on rivers logical then OK....

This bug should most certainly be fixed. It is unacceptable for a simulator of such a scale.

But maybe too much underwater detail would be too much, I will agree to that one.

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First, I'll address underwater then: Why are you under water in a helicopter sim?

Second, I'll address landing on rivers: Why are you trying to land on rivers in a helicopter sim?

(These are common sense, sarcastic, rhetorical questions, if you didn't catch that)

And for the record, it's not a bug, it's a design compromise. The RV engine has never been capable of modeling/rendering flowing water. And without flowing water, you can't have rivers, because static water at the same Z-height would clearly not work with natural terrain. So would you rather be able to land on Rivers, or would you prefer BI to just draw over them entirely in the sat map so you can enjoy an unrealistic river free Seattle?

FYI, you can do the latter yourself.

Also, please cite any flight simulator (or realistically, any game in general, minus Skyrim) that has properly modeled rivers. I'd love to try it.

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Ok, thank you for the interesting information you guys. I'll later learn about the Take On Helicopters engine to get a better understanding for other questions i'm solving. :)

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Just one more pls. What I would like to show is some pictures of the results of landing on rivers in a career mission "Operation Arrowhead". When you are extracted by the chopper.




That is why landing on rivers is unacceptable in this game.

Then some games that have underwater graphics.

Arma 3

gta san andreas

sniper ghost warrior even

far cry 3 and more.

PS to open the images right click, open in new tab.

"Anyone interested" I really advise you to firstly try Arma 3 since it was made by Bohemia Interactive and then the other games....

Edited by Helicopterenthusiast

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ToH isn't Arma 3. It's not even an infantry based game. It's a Helicopter flight simulator. And given that fact, it assumes you'll be inside a helicopter, not milling about underwater. This is why everything on foot looks like shit, it wasn't designed for hiking, it was designed for flying.

You're essentially requesting that this game be something that it's not.

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  TheCapulet said:
ToH isn't Arma 3. It's not even an infantry based game. It's a Helicopter flight simulator. And given that fact, it assumes you'll be inside a helicopter, not milling about underwater. This is why everything on foot looks like shit, it wasn't designed for hiking, it was designed for flying.

You're essentially requesting that this game be something that it's not.

Well you wouldn't be swimming if TOH was standalone. But if you have the TOH: Rearmed, you would be needing this kind of addon. And besides, my ArmA II OA has stopped working for some reason, so I use TOH: Rearmed to make the OA missions and play the campaigns.

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So you're requesting that A2 content be updated for swimming/underwater ops in the TOH forums? Or are you requesting that Seattle be redone to allow infantry ops?

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  TheCapulet said:
So you're requesting that A2 content be updated for swimming/underwater ops in the TOH forums? Or are you requesting that Seattle be redone to allow infantry ops?
Well the underwater improvement was just a suggestion anyway for TOH: Rearmed for more realism, thats all.

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And also to remind ourselves of operation Bullseye where you are forced to fight on foot. And also there is a multiplayer convoy mission where I was personally shot down, but managed through auto-rotation to land safely, and started fighting on foot while waiting for extraction from the other players.

Sadly although I managed to fight off the enemy soldiers the evac plan never occurred because the other players were too busy following the rest of the surviving convoy:confused:

Were did leave no man behind go?:confused:

And also if Seattle was made for military foot operations then it would really be a huge plus since so many more could be organized.

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