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createVehicle Problem

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So I'm trying to make a mission that has a similar function to Xeno's domination. I want it so that when I complete an objective, a vehicle spawns (and respawns if destroyed). I got some code but it won't work for some strange reason. In the "On act" of the trigger I have

_heli1 = "heli1" createVehicle ["MH9_Base_F", getMarkerPos "heli1sp", [], 0, "NONE"]; _heli1 = [this, 5, 1000] execVM "vehicle.sqf"; hint "Congratulations, your team has earned an MH-9. It is now available at base!";

The condition is Obj_1, and it works since the hint fires off but the vehicle won't spawn.

Please help me out.


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You need to look at createvehicle array: http://community.bistudio.com/wiki/createVehicle_array

_heli1 = createVehicle ["B_MH9_F", getMarkerPos "heli1sp", [], 0, "NONE"]; 
_heli1 = [this, 5, 1000] execVM "vehicle.sqf";
hint "Congratulations, your team has earned an MH-9. It is now available at base!";

Edited by cobra4v320

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When using createVehicle array there is no preceding string argument.

_heli1 = createVehicle ["[font=Verdana]B_MH9_F[/font]", getMarkerPos "heli1sp", [], 0, "NONE"];

I assume vehicle.sqf is the vehicular respawn script?

Well you are using it wrong.


[color=#EEEEEE][[/color]_heli1[color=#EEEEEE], 5, 1000] execVM "vehicle.sqf";

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You guys are gods.

Still have two problems though.

I assume vehicle.sqf is the vehicular respawn script?

Well you are using it wrong.


When I enter that it tells me that "Local variable in Global slot" or something along those lines.

Also, how can I get the helicopter to spawn rotated 90 degrees?

I tried rotating both the trigger and marker it spawns on with no luck.

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Yeah you just need to name your helicopter, so instead of _heli1 use heli1. Make sense? _heli1 is local and heli1 is global.

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hold down shift key

I need to rotate the vehicle through code don't I?

Since the vehicle is spawned through a trigger and isn't anywhere on the map itself.

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