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Unit numbers/letters, what do they mean?

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In singleplayer whenever you go into the map mode and click on the "units" submenu there is a list of every unit in your squad and everyone has this unique number/letter combination assigned to it. You also get this number/letter combination assigned when you pick a "role" in multiplayer. Can anyone tell me what the meaning of the these numbers/letters are exactly?

For example when I am the squad leader I have the combo "1-1-A" assigned.

It's maybe not that important but I always wondered what every number/letter means.

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This are standard group names in Arma 2. Lets say you have 2 groups with 3 units in group. In first group there will be 1-1-a 1-2-a 1-3-a.

In 2nd 1-1-b etc. Ps:There are commands that can change group names. You can have any group name you like wenn you use them.

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Ok thank you. So I suppose the 2nd number is unit number within a group. And the "a" is probably the squad name? What about the first number? Is it something like a platoon number? I'd really like to know this so I know what I'm dealing with when I see one of those "names" :)

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If I'm not utterly wrong, Arma2 is using military group designations in the following format:


So 1-1-A(lpha) in your example would be : 1st Squad in the 1st Platoon, Alpha Company.

You can learn more about Unit designations here: http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/agency/army/designation.htm

But as tom3kb said, in your own missions (or those from others) the designation can be anything. You could assign "Fox" to a Team or Squad and the leader of that Team/Squad would then appear as "Fox 1" on the radio.

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Oh thank you, that's exactly what I wanted to know

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