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Mortar help

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Does anyone know how to make an Opfor mortar team fire at a certain location on the map? say once they are triggered? I'm a complete idiot with scripting, I'm trying to learn though so please explain in dummy terms.

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I have a solution for when you want to bomb a specific known location the same way every time.

1) place a load of game logic markers, called t_0 t_1 ... etc.

2) have a trigger that activates on your conditions. Place the following in the init line. xhandler = [this] execVM "bombLoop.sqf";

3) go to the mission folder through My Documents and create the following sqf file through notepad:

hint "boom boom boom";// make sure the script is executes, remove this when you are sure it is. 
_logics = [t_0, t_1, t_2, t_3, t_4, t_5, t_6, t_7, t_8, t_09, t_10, t_11, t_12, t_13]; // Create an array with the names of all of the logics.
{shell = "Sh_82mm_AMOS" createVehicle  getpos _x; shell setVelocity [0,0,-45]; sleep 2;} foreach _logics; // Create an explosion at the position of each logic with a one second delay (change the number after sleep to change the delay).

If you know how to set up the trigger that will set this in motion you have a simple programmable mortar strike.

Thanks to Loyalguard for is help in making the script.

---------- Post added at 00:40 ---------- Previous post was at 00:35 ----------

if this seems too scripted (the bombs falling on exactly the same place every time) you can use placement radii to move the game logic around randomly.

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But is there a way to make an enemy mk6 mortar team fire at selected enemies on sight?

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Mine do fire automatically on the enemy, I never even thought they would.

Edited by F2k Sel

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are you wanting to fire at them automatically or be able to call in the mortors yourself? check out jester's video's look for the support module one, i'd post a link but i'm new here and can't yet

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I want the enemies to be able to spot me and call in mortar support, Its easy for me to set them up for myself.. But I want triggers so that if I'm detected in this certain zone they know to call mortars on my position.

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Try using a Reveal command - that will tell the fireteam where you are. Chances are they will fire at your location then.

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I like this idea. 1 problem though if someone can help.

xhandler = [this] execVM "bombLoop.sqf

What if I just want to stick it all in SQF file (don't need a trigger) ?

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