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Drive car at 10mph - how? w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w-w?

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OK I must say I'm usually not driving a lot. I always drove with "w" or "w+e"(in Arma 2) - but holding w means full speed. Isn't there another way to fine tune driving speed other that tapping w? (Except a throttle, which I have, Saitek X52pro, but don't want to attach this for Arma)...

I hope I am missing something very obvious but TBH I think there is nothing...


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An analog axis is the only way I can fathom how. I have mine set to pedal right, and reverse or hand brake on pedal left on my G940 pedals.

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Q is the slowest speed with the keyboard and yields about 15 - 30 kph depending.

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I have a set of G27 pedals for racing sims, I don't really want to use them though because the land vehicle physics in Arma are pretty basic and don't really require analogue control.

For driving slowly I would just use Q as an alternative.

When they add wheel lock ups, wheel spin, loss of traction, body roll, tyre physics, etc, then a steering wheel and pedals could be very beneficial...

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