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REQUEST: Fire mode select separate from UGL

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I was disappointed to find that this wasn't a feature already, but it would be a simple thing to have fire mode select as ctrl+f. Considering cqb is more likely with the improved controls of A3, I find myself switching between semi auto and auto more often. Anyway, it was a feature of ACE A2 and I would love to see it in the vanilla game.

It definitely helps now that we have dedicated grenade button, but fire mode select could even just be a separate and optional control for those want it.

Anyone else agree?

There's a feature request on devheaven for those interested.

Edited by mcbain99

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I still can't believe how that's not already working in Arma 3.

It could be implemented by tapping and holding down (F) key so that way we can still tap (F) key to go through fire modes but not also having to go through equipment.

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Sorry guys I don't get this one?

What do you mean "fire mode"?

Thought that was the "F" key.Swich to single,auto or grenade launcher with ctrl+F switching the types of grenades,what are you meaning to be different?

Sorry for my ignorance,

Mick. :)

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Mick, "fire mode" as in Single shot / Burst / Cyclic. Currently, the UGL (underbarrel grenade launcher) is just another fire mode, which is very counterintuitive. Ever encounter an opfor in CQB wanting to shoot on full auto to instead lob a HE 40mm at the wall 5m from you? Even worse, in Arma 2 without ACE, you would instead log a grenade at your feet if you accidentaly switched using "f" key too far. This is User Interface Nightmare at its worst - using a single key to perform widely different functions by cycling through them is what ever UI designer would call a dumb idea (at least grenades got their own key now, even though I had to remap it because I dropped a 'nade at my feet every time I tried to access inventory - old habits die hard <g>)

In reality, all UGLs have a separate trigger. You change the rifle fire mode without ever looking at the switch, from Safe (another missing mode) to Full auto just by thumbing the switch. You take your hand to the UGL grip and fire the UGL using its own separate trigger. This is not the case in Arma 3.

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Mick, "fire mode" as in Single shot / Burst / Cyclic. Currently, the UGL (underbarrel grenade launcher) is just another fire mode, which is very counterintuitive. Ever encounter an opfor in CQB wanting to shoot on full auto to instead lob a HE 40mm at the wall 5m from you? Even worse, in Arma 2 without ACE, you would instead log a grenade at your feet if you accidentaly switched using "f" key too far. This is User Interface Nightmare at its worst - using a single key to perform widely different functions by cycling through them is what ever UI designer would call a dumb idea (at least grenades got their own key now, even though I had to remap it because I dropped a 'nade at my feet every time I tried to access inventory - old habits die hard <g>)

In reality, all UGLs have a separate trigger. You change the rifle fire mode without ever looking at the switch, from Safe (another missing mode) to Full auto just by thumbing the switch. You take your hand to the UGL grip and fire the UGL using its own separate trigger. This is not the case in Arma 3.

Ah-ha,gotcha now,cheers for the info.I agree that it would be better I suppose but maybe they want to keep the key bindings to a minimum? But options are a godsend. :)


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Perhaps BIS tried to keep keybinds to minimum, but still IMO this was one of the worst User Interface mistakes all the way in Arma series. At least give us an option - in Arma 2, this was one of the very few reasons I stopped playing on Vanilla servers without ACE (which optionaly allows "f" to only select firemode having a different key for switching to UGL). If you see it the same way, please look for a ticket in the A3 Alpha feedback tracker for this (or create one if there is none currently) and upvote...

BIS, please give us at least the option! If I didn't knew better, I would have thought all your UI guys are all from Generalni stab by how complicated they make some simple things :D

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