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TitleText and screen fadein / fadeout ... why together?

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Hi guys,

Am I the only one who thinks that displaying text on the screen and fading in/out the screen to black (or white) as nothing to do together?

It’s always tough to me to get the desired effect when scripting text display and screen fadein and fadeout. I always end up leaving my scene half satisfied.

Instead of trying to control the text display and the fadein/out of the screen in the same line, I think they should put the commands in completely different calls. Something like that:

Command to display simple text


Text: String to display.

ScreenPosition:TopLeft,TopCenter,TopRight,CenterLeft, Center, CenterRight,LowerLeft,LowerCenter,LowerRight

TextFadeInInterval : Time for the text to fade in, 0 meaning right away.

TextStayInterval: Time for the text to stay on screen after the completion of fade in, 0 meaning infinitely.

TextFadeOutInterval: Time for the text to fade out, 0 meaning right after the TextStayTime interval.

*That method would not play with the screen fade in/out in any way.

And we could have another method to play with the screen fade in and fade out. Something like:

ScreenFadeIn [Color,FadeInInterval]

Color: Color from which the screen fade in ( Black, White, other possible colors…).

FadeInInterval: Time it take to complete the fade in.

ScreenFadeOut[Color, FadeOutInterval]

Color: Color to which the screen fadeout( Black, White, other possible colors…)

FadeOutInterval: Time it take to complete the fade out.

I am just brainstorming here, but I just can't understand why there trying to keep those two functionalities in the same line. Those who played with it a lot knows what I am talking about ... a lot of weird behavior come with TitleText.

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No one has issues with this?

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No one has issues with this?

I have, although not the exact same issue as yours. I like to play my home-made missions with a toggable Cinema Border, and I'm used to use it in my intro scenes as well, but that forces me to display the intro text on a full black screen, for any text displayed toggles off the Cine Border. Very annoying indeed.

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If you're refering to titleText and titleCut, you can just use "PLAIN" and it'll just display the text, nothing else.

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