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Keep improving Bohemia !!! 3 builds from 12 to 15 thats nice !!!

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Keep up mates lets to this game nice as it look and smoother on all !!!

Cant wait you improve FPS more

Thanks for the releases


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All they got to do is hit the red shinny optimize button and then everyone will run the game maxed at 60fps on their old intel core duos amirite?

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All they got to do is hit the red shinny optimize button and then everyone will run the game maxed at 60fps on their old intel core duos amirite?

Usually a 'cutting edge' new game needs a cutting edge computer. :p Xplane 10 is a great example. Laminar Research warned the consumer right before the release of Xplane 10 that the software was really designed for "Future" computers, they were trying to stay ahead of the curve and be relevant for the next few years. I'm not a computer expert, but I wonder if BIS is doing the same thing here? The game runs "normal" on High End Computers (obviously), but the Mid-Range and Low End computers seem to be struggling on average (standard) Settings.

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I hope so. The industry needs "future games" to keep the hardware industry more relevant. When they have to stop pushing then they become stagnant.

You have to innovate and push the envelope to get others to keep up otherwise you stagnate, thats the beauty of personal computers.

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we could get worse a build in a month for ex, this was just to say thanks as they promise to improve game, its good to see devs improving as they should

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we could get worse a build in a month for ex, this was just to say thanks as they promise to improve game, its good to see devs improving as they should

Yep, BIS is the Best. They have that old school philosophy of "The Customer is always right" and they are not selling out to Big Business. One point: Stratis is small compared to Altis, so when playing near the Ocean the CPU isn't nearly as stressed out as playing in the middle of a land mass (like it will be at times in Altis). My advice to people would be to beg, borrow, or get a part time job in-order to have enough money to upgrade by next Fall. Altis is going to take a powerful CPU to handle all the environment stuff, tanks, AI, smoke, jets, and etc. I've just upgraded to an i5 ivy bridge with a gtx 680 (it's on a UPS truck right now). I hope the i5 will be strong enough....if not, then come Fall I'll have to upgrade again. ArmA 3 is that great and my computer must meet all demands :)

Edited by rehtus777

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Yep, BIS is the Best. They have that old school philosophy of "The Customer is always right" and they are not selling out to Big Business. One point: Stratis is small compared to Altis, so when playing near the Ocean the CPU isn't nearly as stressed out as playing in the middle of a land mass (like it will be at times in Altis). My advice to people would be to beg, borrow, or get a part time job in-order to have enough money to upgrade by next Fall. Altis is going to take a powerful CPU to handle all the environment stuff, tanks, AI, smoke, jets, and etc. I've just upgraded to an i5 ivy bridge with a gtx 680 (it's on a UPS truck right now). I hope the i5 will be strong enough....if not, then come Fall I'll have to upgrade again. ArmA 3 is that great and my computer must meet all demands :)

I5 3570K is strong enought specialy in company of a 680 or a pair of :) good luck with the new rig mate !

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Yep, BIS is the Best. They have that old school philosophy of "The Customer is always right" and they are not selling out to Big Business. One point: Stratis is small compared to Altis, so when playing near the Ocean the CPU isn't nearly as stressed out as playing in the middle of a land mass (like it will be at times in Altis). My advice to people would be to beg, borrow, or get a part time job in-order to have enough money to upgrade by next Fall. Altis is going to take a powerful CPU to handle all the environment stuff, tanks, AI, smoke, jets, and etc. I've just upgraded to an i5 ivy bridge with a gtx 680 (it's on a UPS truck right now). I hope the i5 will be strong enough....if not, then come Fall I'll have to upgrade again. ArmA 3 is that great and my computer must meet all demands :)
Please remember though that thanks to BISim there is a "Big Business" on the side which seemingly most other 'small' game developers don't benefit from... ;)

Do remember though that good CPU > the GPU in terms of what's more important between the two components -- I've been running the game smoothly with an i5-3570K (stock speed with a Hyper 212 Plus cooler) paired with a 660 Ti 2 GB without customizing any graphics settings except for screen resolution (1600 x 900 windowed) -- and of course, install Arma 3 on RAMDisk if you have the "spare" RAM, SSD if you don't, and HDD is last-resort (although putting your Documents folder onto a HDD and thus your profile and mods isn't a bad idea, is it? I did this with Arma 2: CO).

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