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Performance & Scopes

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So in Arma 2, I would often take quite a significant performance hit when looking through a zoomed scope. Over the last week in Arma 3, I have been surprised to find that scoping in actually increases my FPS. That is until today...

I have tried both the dev build and stable build, but no matter what framerate I am running at, it will drop to low 20's looking down long range scopes (often from about 60-80 when unscoped). Is anyone else having this issue? I haven't changed any settings in-game or otherwise but I can't see how this issue would have come around...

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So in Arma 2, I would often take quite a significant performance hit when looking through a zoomed scope. Over the last week in Arma 3, I have been surprised to find that scoping in actually increases my FPS.

same for me. i don't use the dev build though so i can't confirm that it's back to where it was inarma 2 with that. so i really hope that won't change. i found that really annoying about arma 2 and was quite happy to see it was the other way around in arma 3.

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I got performance lost when scoping through grass (not holo/red dot sight, the scope with zoom). I found the culprit was ATOC, so now I disable ATOC and I can zoom in through/at grass peacefully. I'm running the stable version (not Dev Build)

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Above "Standard" texture setting makes my FPS take a nose dive if I look at foliage with an Acog/RCO

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It's definitely AToC...ArmA 2 OA had the same problem, but they more or less fixed it in a beta IIRC.

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