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Ghost Missions

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Hi Ghost,

I have another question, for respawn theres an option to respawn at the hemmit vehicle, but when you respawn there, you respawn inside the vehicle as the driver,

instead of next to it, is there a way to change that so you respawn next to it at a marker and just eliminate the vehicle altogether?

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  Günter Severloh said:
Hi Ghost,

I have another question, for respawn theres an option to respawn at the hemmit vehicle, but when you respawn there, you respawn inside the vehicle as the driver,

instead of next to it, is there a way to change that so you respawn next to it at a marker and just eliminate the vehicle altogether?

Thats something I want to address. Problem is I did not write the revive system so I am still trying to decipher it

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Hey Ghost, I changed the respawn as i was asking about in my previous post.

All i did was change the hemmt to an ammo box, as the trigger for the addaction for vas (hemmt) seems to be using the hemmt as a spawn as well.

So when you die you have the hemmt you can respawn too.

Now when i test in mp, i have the option of the ammo box, but i get the message that hemmt is full and cant respawn, however if you just hit enter anyways you

will respawn next to the ammo box so it works.

Edited by Günter Severloh

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I am very close to releasing an Update to Enemy Assault, and a new mission Supply Interruption. I have some gui errors though thanks to recent patches on the INS Revive dialogs. The errors show up on first use then do not show again. I also need to transfer the updated scripts to the Stratis version of Enemy Assault and verify it is still working. More to come soon.

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Updated Enemy Assault to ver 2.5. Also new mission Supply Interruption CO16.

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Thanks for the update Ghost!

Question for you in the description.ext where it says:

class PARAM_AISkill
	// paramsArray[3]
		title= "AI Accuracy and Speed Skill";
		values[]= { 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 };
		texts[]= { "0.1","0.2","0.3","0.4","0.5","0.6","0.7","0.8","0.9","1.0" };
		default= 1;
		code = "";

Can I simply add this parameter to a mission I built in the description.ext or is this code dependent on a script found somewhere in the mission's files?

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That parameter is used in all my unit spawn scripts. check espawn.sqf to see it used.

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Ok, I seen this code in the script:

#define aiSkill _this select 6//sets AI accuracy and aiming speed

How do i use the parameter for just the AI accuracy and aiming speed by itself through the script, do i just paste the parameter code in the

description and then have the script in the mission folder?

But then how is the script called if im only using it for AI accuracy?

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Updated Enemy Assault and Now have Incoming Mission. Incoming Mission is based off of my ArmA 2 version. It will be similar to Enemy Assault but without as many assets. Your base camp location is randomly placed outside of the objective location about 1.5km. This mission focuses more on infantry and has many more units in buildings and patrols. Only one objective location with up to 8 tasks defined in mp params. Complete all tasks and mission ends. Restart for a new experience in a different location.

Enemy Assault Altis V2.6

Enemy Assault Stratis V2.6

Incoming Mission Altis V1

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You see in espawn.sqf around line 35-38 where this is?

		_man = _egrp createUnit [_mansel,_spawnpos, [], 0, "NONE"];
	_man setskill (0.4 + ((round(random 4)) / 10));
	_man setSkill ["aimingAccuracy",aiSkill];
	_man setSkill ["aimingSpeed",aiSkill];

That is how I use the aiskill parameter.

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Yes I see the code, how do I implement it?

Line 16 has this code

#define aiSkill _this select 6//sets AI accuracy and aiming speed

So this has me somewhat confused as to how I can use this in my own missions, do I copy and paste the code into a new sqf, or can I just use the whole espawn.sqf script?

If I use the script, then how is it called ingame, what code is used?

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The 1.12 patch screwed up a bunch of stuff and I am trying to work it out. Since BI does not tell us of all the changes and how to adjust our scripts this may take some time. Sorry for any issues that come up with current version missions. ETA on fixes is unknown as I am not getting errors for a lot of the issues.

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Ghost question for you,

Is it possible to port enemy assault to other maps using A3MP mod?

I'd like to do it myself but not sure if the scripts in the mission are specific to locations for Altis.

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  Günter Severloh said:
Ghost question for you,

Is it possible to port enemy assault to other maps using A3MP mod?

I'd like to do it myself but not sure if the scripts in the mission are specific to locations for Altis.

They are not specific to altis other than filter a town name.

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They are not specific to altis other than filter a town name.

So basically i can copy n paste everything in the editor to a new map, adjust the positions of things, and then be sure to copy

the files from the mission to the new mission folder for the new map correct?

Günther can you upload the ports of ghosts missions to other maps ?

Can I? I haven't done anything yet, why Im asking if it can be done, if so i will, but the versions I play are nothing like the original as i had edited them

all based on what I want, as its just me a buddy and another friend playing.

From what i understand, theres really nothing to figure out in terms of porting to new maps, if I am correct then all you need to do is just copy na paste

everything in the editor for the given missions and then be sure to copy the files from the existing mission to the new folder of the mission you have created

on the new map, from there just adjust the positions and locations of the main base, anyone that knows how to edit can do this.

Edited by Günter Severloh

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Hey guys,

I have successfully ported enemy assault to Takistan using the A3MP mod, if you want I can port the enemy assault and Ghost's

incoming mission to other maps, let me know which ones.

Alot of this you can do yourself really not hard at all, just do the following:

1. First get A3MP http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=23863

2. unpbo the enemy assault pbo and move the extracted folder to the sp editor (sp editor is much faster to edit with from there you export)

folder to extract to would be C:\Users\username\Documents\Arma 3\missions

3. start the game with A3MP, go to the sp editor, locate the mission under Altis or Stratis which ever version you are playing.

4. switch the editor to markers, and scroll your mouse wheel to zoom out so you can see the whole map and all the markers.

5. draw a box around the whole map so you highlight all the markers, and then press ctrl c on your keyboard (this will copy all the info from the map)

6. Open a map you want to port the mission too and then press ctrl v (this will paste the info you just copied from the other map to the new map).

7. Now move the markers around just the ones for the base to a new starting location

8. once you have everything where you want then save give the mission a name --> [GHST] Enemy_Assault

9. once you saved the mission, you will have to locate the folder with the name you created in step above in your usermissions folder which you found in step 2

10. Locate the original mission and copy all its files except the mission.sqm and paste them into the new mission folder you created in step 8

11. go back to the editor and export to mp, doing so will create a pbo of the mission folder you created, from here go to mp go to new, then choose the map and mission and play.


The other option is to do it through the mpeditor, could be faster in terms of the editing to testing part, either way, but thats how you do it.

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Thanks for this guide, Gunter.

As a fairly recent recruit to the Arma Community, it's very cool to see someone who has been around a while still willing to help and share information on this great game.


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Your welcome, the mission is a real blast on Takistan, I just ported the mission to Fallujah, it gets even better!

Ghost did an amazing job with the mission to be able to grab the locations of the cities on these maps, I haven't had one issue yet with porting the mission to the new maps.

Plays well too, just like on Altis.

On Fallujah you'll find the enemy Ai will be on top of buildings, and on balconies its great, they shoot from afar, love this mission.

Ghost a question for you,

Is there a way to increase the number of enemies that are spawned on buildings, and in buildings, and overall around the objective area, i was thinking maybe also send

more reinforcement transport trucks to beef up the fight for the enemy when their numbers get low.

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Speedy heres what you do:

1. Open (extract) the mission pbo

2. Look for the unit_list.sqf (its at the bottom when you open the mission folder)

3. Open it and create a new unit array (a new section to the bottom of the script) see the script below with my addition of the Middle East irregulars

as an example, below in the unit_list.sqf I have added the classnames from the MEI mod:

the new case that had to be created is in red

the new comment title is in green

the classnames from the new faction is in black in the code below:


//V1.1 - By: Ghost - List of different units for spawning scripts
//[side_type] execvm "unit_list.sqf";

switch (paramsArray select 5) do {

case 0: {

   //Iranian UNITS

   ghst_side = east;

   ghst_menlist = ["O_soldier_F","O_Soldier_lite_F","O_soldier_AT_F","O_soldier_GL_F","O_soldier_LAT_F","O_soldier_exp_F","O_soldier_F","O_soldier_AR_F","O_soldier_repair_F","O_soldier_LAT_F","O_soldier_AR_F","O_soldier_M_F","O_soldier_AT_F","O_soldier_AA_F","O_soldier_F","O_soldier_TL_F","O_medic_F","O_soldier_GL_F","O_soldier_F"];

   ghst_diverlist = ["O_diver_f","O_diver_exp_f","O_diver_TL_f","O_diver_f","O_diver_exp_f","O_diver_f"];

   ghst_specopslist = ["O_recon_f","O_recon_exp_f","O_recon_f","O_recon_M_f","O_recon_medic_f","O_recon_f","O_recon_exp_f","O_recon_LAT_f","O_recon_TL_f","O_recon_f"];

   ghst_crewmenlist = ["O_crew_F"];

   ghst_patrolvehlist = ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MBT_02_cannon_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"];

   ghst_convoyvehlist = ["O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_F","O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_F"];

   ghst_staticlist = ["O_HMG_01_high_F","O_GMG_01_high_F"];

   ghst_patrolboatlist = ["O_Boat_Armed_01_hmg_F"];

   ghst_transport_heli_list = "O_Heli_Light_02_unarmed_F";

   ghst_attack_heli_list = "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F";

   ghst_patrol_air_list = ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F","I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F"];

   ghst_commanderlist = ["O_Story_Colonel_F","O_Story_CEO_F","O_officer_F"];

   ghst_ammobox_list = "Box_East_Ammo_F";


case 1: {

   //Greek UNITS

   ghst_side = independent;

   ghst_menlist = ["I_soldier_F","I_Soldier_lite_F","I_soldier_AT_F","I_soldier_GL_F","I_soldier_LAT_F","I_soldier_exp_F","I_soldier_F","I_soldier_AR_F","I_soldier_repair_F","I_soldier_LAT_F","I_soldier_AR_F","I_soldier_M_F","I_soldier_AT_F","I_soldier_AA_F","I_soldier_F","I_soldier_TL_F","I_medic_F","I_soldier_GL_F","I_soldier_F"];

   ghst_diverlist = ["I_diver_f","I_diver_exp_f","I_diver_TL_f","I_diver_f","I_diver_exp_f","I_diver_f"];

   ghst_specopslist = ["I_soldier_F","I_Soldier_lite_F","I_soldier_GL_F","I_soldier_LAT_F","I_soldier_TL_F","I_medic_F","I_soldier_AR_F"];

   ghst_crewmenlist = ["I_crew_F"];

   ghst_patrolvehlist = ["I_MRAP_03_gmg_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","I_APC_tracked_03_cannon_F","I_MBT_03_cannon_F","I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F"];

   ghst_convoyvehlist = ["I_Truck_02_transport_F","I_MRAP_03_gmg_F","I_Truck_02_covered_F","I_APC_Wheeled_03_cannon_F","I_Ifrit_F","I_Truck_02_covered_F","I_MRAP_03_hmg_F","I_MRAP_03_F","I_Truck_02_transport_F"];

   ghst_staticlist = ["I_HMG_01_high_F","I_GMG_01_high_F"];

   ghst_patrolboatlist = ["I_Boat_Armed_01_minigun_F"];

   ghst_transport_heli_list = "I_Heli_Transport_02_F";

   ghst_attack_heli_list = "I_Heli_light_03_F";

   ghst_patrol_air_list = ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F","I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F"];

   ghst_commanderlist = ["I_officer_F","I_Story_Colonel_F"];

   ghst_ammobox_list = "Box_IND_Ammo_F";


   [b][color=#FF0000]case 2: {[/color][/b]

[b][color=#008000]    /////////////////
   //ME Irregulars UNITS

   ghst_side = east;

   ghst_menlist = [b]["DRI_Riflemano","DRI_SquadLeadero","DRI_MachineGunnero","DRI_AutomaticRiflemano","DRI_Grenadiero","DRI_ATSoldiero","DRI_RPG7Soldiero","DRI_AASoldiero","DRI_Medico","DRI_Marksmano","DRI_RPG7Grenadiero"];[/b]

   ghst_specopslist = [b]["DRI_Repairo","DRI_Engineero","DRI_Explosiveso"];[/b]

   ghst_crewmenlist = [b]["DRI_Crewmano"];[/b]

   ghst_patrolvehlist = ["O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_MBT_02_cannon_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","O_APC_Tracked_02_cannon_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F"];

   ghst_convoyvehlist = ["O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_F","O_Truck_02_transport_F","O_MRAP_02_gmg_F","O_APC_Wheeled_02_rcws_F","O_Truck_02_covered_F","O_MRAP_02_hmg_F","O_MRAP_02_F"];

   ghst_staticlist = ["O_HMG_01_high_F","O_GMG_01_high_F"];

   ghst_attack_heli_list = "O_Heli_Attack_02_black_F";

   ghst_patrol_air_list = ["I_Plane_Fighter_03_AA_F","I_Plane_Fighter_03_CAS_F"];

   ghst_commanderlist = ["[b]DRI_SquadLeadero[/b]"];

   ghst_ammobox_list = "Box_East_Ammo_F";



The classnames for the faction you want to add you need to find out, they could be listed in a readme in the download, or could be listed

on the release thread of the faction, if neither simply ask the author of the mod (faction) to supply a list.

4. Add a case to the description.ext see below for example of how i did it for the MEI:

I added what is in red:

class PARAM_Enemy
       // paramsArray[5]
               title = "Type of Enemy:";
               values[] = {[color=#ff0000]2,[/color]1,0};
               texts[] = {[color=#ff0000]"ME Irregulars",[/color]"Greek Army","Iranian Army"};
               default = [color=#ff0000]2[/color];

Thats it!

Speedygonzales what faction were you looking to add as an enemy?

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  Günter Severloh said:
Your welcome, the mission is a real blast on Takistan, I just ported the mission to Fallujah, it gets even better!

Ghost did an amazing job with the mission to be able to grab the locations of the cities on these maps, I haven't had one issue yet with porting the mission to the new maps.

Plays well too, just like on Altis.

On Fallujah you'll find the enemy Ai will be on top of buildings, and on balconies its great, they shoot from afar, love this mission.

Ghost a question for you,

Is there a way to increase the number of enemies that are spawned on buildings, and in buildings, and overall around the objective area, i was thinking maybe also send

more reinforcement transport trucks to beef up the fight for the enemy when their numbers get low.

All unit numbers are specified in the randomobj.sqf lines 49 through 68 or ghst_missionloc.sqf lines 16 through 23. You have to be careful though as the game engine has a 144 group limit per side. Every now and then the units and groups are cleaned up to help with this limit. I have a lot of changes/improvements coming. I am testing a lot of the main changes on my Incoming Mission atm but will be porting over to Enemy Assault soon. I am waiting for the patch this week to see what else has been broken/changed. I will be updating the aircraft and the vehicles for starters. If everything seems good I might release updates Friday but no promises. On Incoming Mission this is just a preview of the changes so far and may change by release time.

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Great news!

Question about the randomobj.sqf script the code as you pointed out controls the number of enemies at a given objective, for the _enemy_house = [30,15];

what number do i change if lets say i wanted to add 5 more soldiers to the objective?

private ["_area_size","_helo_area_size","_enemy_house","_enemy_patrols","_enemy_vehicles"];

_area_size = 300;
_helo_area_size = [500,500];
[b]_enemy_house = [30,15];[/b]
_enemy_patrols = 3;
_enemy_vehicles = 4;

if ((_locselname == "Kavala") or (_locselname == "Aggelochori")) then {

_area_size = 500;
_helo_area_size = [700,700];
_enemy_house = [50,35];
_enemy_patrols = 5;
_enemy_vehicles = 6;


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objective specific is contained in the various scripts in the objective folder

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