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question on how to control a ai squad?

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I'm a bit lost in trying to figure out how to control the ai squad.

I load up the 07 mission and run it as lan and join in as leader.

I'm lost on how to get the squad to move. I read previously through some aram 2 posts that you can press space bar to get the entire squad to move. That doesnt seem to be working for me.

I did manage one time to get the entire squad to move once i changed them to be in a white group and choose an option for advance.

Thing is they just kept walking from first objective until i completed it then auto took a path toward another with no control from me.

Are there any tutorial videos on this that someone can link to me?

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space bar was in A2. Try the tilde key on the top left of your keyboard or F1-F10 keys for selecting individual units. Then aim somewhere and press space. There are many more complex commands but I don't want to boggle your brain if you can't figure out how to get the troops to move yet.

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Also the command mode NUMPAD-"," may be of interest for you.

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What can also help is go into editor and give yourself a squad and you can easily learn the controls and commands for the squad, as no one is going to engage you and it also gives you more time to get a good feel of what key gives you what command. Or if you need a bit more help, if you have arma 2 or arma 2 OA theres a little mission in there that gives you a tutorial of leading a squad of AI's

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