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Weapons in Wasteland

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i spend a lot of time on Wasteland servers in Arma 3 Alpha.

The other players had everytime i meet one a primary weapon.

Is this normal that i cant loot primary weapons out of a dead body or a car? Everytime i find a car there was a gun inside but i cant take it. The other thinks are no problem. First aid kits. supressors, mags or whatever. But i cant take any gun. Is this normal? Is there a special key? Or is this a bug?

I cant find any informations

please help me

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2 Simple fixes:


Just drag the gun to the "Ground" in the upper left corner of the gear menu

And then drag it from ground to your primary slot ;D


Drive the vehicle 2 meters forward and drag it from vehicle to your primary slot

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1. Move the car first, then take the weapon and move it to the weapon slot.

2. Move the weapon to your backpack then to the weapon slot.

3. Take the weapon from the car, put it onto the ground and then move it to the weapon slot.

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Questions about any addon/mod/mission which has a thread here must be posted in that thread, this is the Wasteland thread. Please remember to search for an existing thread before starting a new one :)

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