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The best Mission Editing & Scripting tutorials.

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Hello fellow travelers.

Now that a new incarnation of our beloved sandbox is about to be released, it will of course attract a new generation of mission makers. I just released a script for A3 and I'm getting flooded, daily, with emails with questions like "I want to use your script - but I don't know how to make missions, where to put the script, how to run it and also - how do I start the editor? - can you please tell me?". Also a lot of threads on scripts and missions ends up being kind of 'hijacked' by beginner questions, completely irrelevant to the thread.

Of course it's impossible to answer those question every single time they come up - but I want to be a bit more helpful than the old usual "Search the forums". It's hard to find good resources if you don't have a clue what you're looking for.

So my question is - where are the best up to date FAQ-threads and editing tutorials? I haven't looked into basic tutorials for years, so I'm kind of out of luck. I remember in A2 we had aa few FAQ threads with common questions like, where to put scripts, how to put a heli on a ship, how to set up respawn etc.

PS. Just to be clear - I love that those questions come up, I just want to be able to point to some good info to help keep threads relevant DS.

Edited by Tophe

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Sir - just wanted to say thanks for the uber-friendly tone of your post. It's a great idea - and most importantly, not discouraging or insulting the newer-est faces.

I've been doing this very-part-time for couple years now, and I still have to search and search and eventually ask for info.

Anyway, to attempt to contribute, I always did a quick drive-by of Kylania's site when I needed something in A2:


I know it's not (yet) A3 specific, but maybe still one to keep an eye on.

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or a noob as me! Its just fun to find out new functions and plan missions just to see what happen. Each time i got a something running, i become confidence to create missions with more complexity. :)

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Great post, Tophe. (I've used a lot of your scripts over the years, so much thanks for all of them!)

I've been teaching teenagers for 28 years, but I'm an amateur coder. I figured I could make some decent tutorials for giving people "baby steps" into using the editor. So I made a series of introductory videos in Arma 2. The first one of that 5-part series can be found


I created more advanced stuff on request, so there's a series on spawning units, for example, and some other random stuff. You can find my YouTube channel here.

I make them just to give back to this awesome Arma community. I don't monetize or beg for subscriptions. And I've skipped topics where good ones already exist. Hope they continue to help people.

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Great post, Tophe. (I've used a lot of your scripts over the years, so much thanks for all of them!)

I've been teaching teenagers for 28 years, but I'm an amateur coder. I figured I could make some decent tutorials for giving people "baby steps" into using the editor. So I made a series of introductory videos in Arma 2. The first one of that 5-part series can be found


I created more advanced stuff on request, so there's a series on spawning units, for example, and some other random stuff. You can find my YouTube channel here.

I make them just to give back to this awesome Arma community. I don't monetize or beg for subscriptions. And I've skipped topics where good ones already exist. Hope they continue to help people.

Please do make some updated tutorials! I'm 22 and I want to learn but I can't understand the tutorials on where to actually start for arma!

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