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Aaron Kane

Editing config.bin

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Hey hey...  I've been trying to edit the config.bin file of OFP for a long time.  I have found config.bin version 1.46, and I'm willing to revert and uninstall Resistance if I have to, and have decoded it. But unfortunatly, I dont have the skills or knowledge to edit anything.

 Would anyone please tell me what programs I need or should use to edit unit statistics, such as weapon damage, and other things of that nature?  sad.gif  sad.gif  sad.gif

I need help, or the terrorists said they'd shoot my pony! wow.gif

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You really thought this was general discussion topic? Go back to the bottom of the class biggrin.gif

Moving to A&M.

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Aaron: I suppose you are talking about decoding the binary version. There is a lovely program called "Operation Flashpoint Manager" that lets you convert config.bin files into text only config.cpp.

You can download it from OFEPC in their tools section (look for OFPManager).

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I tried that site but nothing worked!. the links did'nt take me anywhere!. is there anywhere else that has OFPManager hosted?. or are there any other programs that do the same thing?. thanks people...

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It was just me, typing the link wrong.

1) Go to http://www.ofpeditingcenter.com/download.shtml

2) Click on the "OFPManager (recommended)" link.

3) A new window will open, click on the "Download OFPManager (v1.02) here" link.

Just tried it and it works smile.gif

Edit: Oh, you might need to install the Microsoft .NET framework. There is a link to the dowload location in the new window that pops up in step 3)

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EEK!!!!!!! Could anyone PLEASE give me a tutorial on how to work this confangled beast? The quickhelp for me doesnt work at all. Could someone give me a step by step guide on how to change a Hellfires strength for the Apache?

If you do, I'll give you a Grammy, or if I'm feeling generous, a Golden Globe!

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You install it + the .NET framework.

In the program you set the path to your OFP installation (under Tools->Preferences).

Then you will get a tree representing your OFP structure. After that you can look at the various PBO files. If you want to see the contents of a PBO file (like an addon) you click your right mouse button on the file you want to see and select "Load table of contents".

To look at the config.bin in text format click on it with the right button and select "View".


Edit: Oh as for the Hellfire. From the original config bin (under Operation Flashpoint/Config)

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class Hellfire: AT3
























class HellfireApach: Hellfire





<span id='postcolor'>

Change the "Hit=900" into something larger for direct hit and "indirectHit=600;" for indirect.

Edit: Note that this will disable you from playing multiplayer games since it is considered as a cheat for obvious reasons.

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thanks Denoir! I've been trying to do something like this FOREVER, and I can finally tweak like a mofo! Yay! smile.gifsmile.gifsmile.gif

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What the Heck? I keep getting this error "cant find bin/config.bin/worlds" or something like that. I've opened it up in wordpad and made my adjustments, but I noticed the file is like 500k now, and it was 200k or so when it was originally there. Maybe I have to shrink it back or compress it back to its original size? confused.gif

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You have to save it as config.cpp and remove the config.bin

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IT SHALL BE DONE!!! tounge.gif

Thanks Denoir, I've been trying to make little tweaks for like a year, but just keep failing. Even my mom lost faith in me! wow.gif

You are now, IMO, the BEST MOD EVER!


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I changed the Hellfires damage rating from 900 to 1200. I changed the indirect to 800. Hellfires still did the normal damage. I changed Hellfires to 9000 damage for both, and it still took 2 to 3 hits to kill a target. I cant think of anything I did wrong, I edited the config.bin after decoding it, and saved it as config.cpp, and still no effects. I AM supposed to save the config.cpp in the BIN folder, right? And I AM supposed to delete the old config.bin, right?

If I can get any help, I'd be REALLY grateful...


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If you have Resistance then you should edit the config.bin that is in OperationFlashpoint\Res\Bin

To open it in OFP Manager copy it to a dir that is listed in it (addons dir for instance). I don't think that it sees the Resistance directories.

ps. Where is my Grammy that you promised? biggrin.gif

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I am using 1.46 for the time being just to get a grasp of what I'm doing. I made all changes, but still...

Can I just get a step-by-step guide on how to do this, for a 1.46 game? If you can Denoir, I'll put the stamp on that Grammy and pop it in the mailbox smile.gif

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Honestly, Aaron, I don't know. In theory it should work unless I missed something. For some reason I havn't managed to get it to work here because the game exits with a "No entry 'config.cpp/CfgAmmo/BulletSingle.330000'" error. I must have missed something basic, but I can't see it. sad.gif

I am sure that some other forum members can spot it, but I can't see what's wrong.

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But mark my words Denoir... one day someone will solve this mystery. On that day, the dead shall walk the earth and consume the flesh of virgin cats.... and Hellfires will have their strength changes to a value SO REALISTIC... it will simply boggle the mind...

mark my words... the day shall come... and its comin' soon. . .

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