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Truck filled with gear isn't accessible by some players in multiplayer

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I put some guns and optics and toys in the back of a civilian truck for a quick Spring Break themed playground mission because my group was getting off and we wanted to send off the night with something goofy. But some of the players in the game were unable to take gear from the truck. They could see it, and when dragging it to their inventory, the appropriate slots showed up as white, but they were unable to actually receive the gear. Other players however were perfectly capable of taking said gear. Is this a bug, or is there something I may have done wrong? I don't really have anything going on in the mission beyond filling the truck with stuff and having a few units with no custom stuff on em. They are civilian, but again some of us were totally able to do it. Even after restarting the mission and adding a gear box the player was unable to access gear in the truck, but able to access the gear in the box.

Vehicle Initialization:

this addweaponcargo ["hgun_Rook40_F", 7];

this addmagazinecargo ["30Rnd_9x21_Mag", 40];

this addWeaponCargo ["arifle_MX_F", 7];

this addmagazinecargo ["100Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag", 30];

this addItemCargo ["V_BandollierB_cbr", 7];

this addItemCargo ["optic_Hamr", 7];

this addItemCargo ["optic_Holosight", 7];

this addweaponcargo ["arifle_MX_SW_F", 7]

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The player needs to interact with the vehicle in order to pull weapons out of it. We tested it and every single player needs to go into the driver seat and drive 1m then jump out.

If players didnt use the vehicle, they could not loot the weapons, but ammo was just fine.

I believe its a bug in the alpha :) Just tell people to interact with vehicles until its fixed.

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I may be a little late for the party, but try appending a "Global" to each command, i.e.




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Dunno if this is the same bug I've seen on the wasteland servers. But sometimes you have to drag gun from 'crate' (vehicle) to 'ground', then click the ground tab (just the tab to the left of crate) and right click the gun and will appear in your inventory. Most other stuff seems to work apart from binoculars that are stuck in crate etc.

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